Michael laughs as he grabs one for himself, clinking their cans together before he drinks his own, sliding the mixture into a casserole dish before sliding it into the oven. "Gotta let it cook for an hour." He says, turning to look at Dani, who's working on her third beer. "You alright, baby?" He chuckles when he sees her laying on her back while she's on the counter, her feet dangling over the edge.

Dani hiccups, "I'm doin good." She laughs loudly, the sound coming from her toes. Hardy pulls her up by her hands, smiling at her as she still giggling. "Hand me another one." She says as she reaches her arm out, he opens it for her. "Thank you, baby."


It's been a few hours and Dani and Hardy are drunk, she more so than he. They're laying on the floor playing cards, there's a lot of laughing coming from the two friends. The door swings open, revealing a very upset Morgan. "Hey!" She says, struggling to stand up. "Oh I missed you!" She throws her arms around his neck.

"Hey- woah!" He looks into the kitchen and sees smoke. "Holy shit!" Morgan swings the door open to let some of the smoke out, turning the oven off, using a dish towel to clear the air. "What the hell is wrong with y'all!?" He shouts as he drops the bacon baked beans on the stove. "You could've burned down my fuckin' house!"

"So that's what that smell was. I forgot that was in there." Michael says, leaning against the doorframe, elbowing then snickering with Dani. "My bad."

"Y'all- How could you- I gotta get outta here."

"Where're you goin'?" Dani asks, following him up the stairs.

"I had a very shitty day and I was hopin' to have a relaxin' supper with my fiancé and not worry about my fuckin' kitchen burnin' down!" He snaps as he changes out of his nice button up and jeans into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. "I just need to get outta here for the night."

"Where're you gonna go?" She asks, putting her hand on his bare chest. "Don't go."

He lets out a heavy breath, looking down at the small hand against his skin. "I need to before I do somethin' I regret." He whispers, holding her wrist, biting his lip.

"I love you, Morgan." She mutters, wrapping her arms around his middle.

"I love you too, Daniella." He responds, grabbing a few more things before he heads back downstairs.

"Hey man, where're you goin'? The party just started." Hardy says with a beer in his hand.

"Shut up, Hardy." He pushes past him to step into a pair of sneakers. "See ya soon, baby." She nods and kisses him before he leaves.

Dani sighs heavily as she goes to Michael for a hug after she watches Morgan drive off. "I made him upset." She mumbles into his chest. "I made him leave."

"That boy is stupid." He says, picking up a beer off the coffee table. He goes into the kitchen, sets the burnt beans outside on the porch then shuts the door and oven. "C'mere." He nods her over. She's does as she's told, smiling as he reaches over and turns the radio on, dancing to whatever comes on, pulling her to move with him. He spins her around, that half dimpled smile never leaving her face. He lifts her up to sit on the counter and starts to kiss her again, and she lets him.

He pulls her hair to the side to get better access to her neck, she leans back on her elbows against the counter, her head falling to the side, breathing hard. "I'm gonna need another beer if I'm gonna fuck you."

Hardy pulls away and grabs four more random beers, two in each hand, and hands her a couple. "Bottoms up, baby." He winks, chugging one of his, she follows quickly. They slam the now empty cans on the counter before reconnecting their lips, it's sloppy and messy and wet but they don't care. She pulls away to crack open the next beer, twisting the cap off to toss it in the sink with the others. She chugs that one too before grabbing Hardy's shirt to pull him closer to her, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, his hands holding her up by her ass.

Free Bird - Morgan WallenWhere stories live. Discover now