xandra terrell | a blessing

Start from the beginning

"(Y/N) had to get into another fight." My dad sighed, making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"I'm going for a walk." I muttered, leaving the room without a second glance.

As soon as I got halfway down the road, I realised it was raining. Of course, just my luck. Such a cliché, almost like a wattpad story.

"For fuck's sake!" I yelled, a burst of anger rushing through me as I kicked the nearest trash can.

"Calm down love, the bin didn't do anything to you." I span around to see Xandra there, hands stuffed in her pockets and chewing her gum.

"What are you doing here?" I asked curiously, because she had a tendency of creeping up on me.

"Came after you, obviously."

There was a silence.

"And why would you do that?" I asked, frowning a little."

"Why wouldn't I? I don't want you walking around in the rain in such a mood."

"How kind." My tone was slightly sarcastic, and Xandra just chuckled.

"I'm about to go back to my apartment, care to join me? It would be better than starting arguments with bins."

Go to Xandra Terrell's apartment? Oh lord above, thank you for this blessing.

"Blessing? I like the sound of that." I blushed in embarrassment when I saw Xandra smirk, meaning that I'd said that out loud.

"Come on." She turned, and started walking.


"I like it." I commented, walking around her open plan living room / kitchen.

"Good, because I have a feeling you'll be around here a lot." Xandra lit a cigarette, and leant against the counter examining me. I felt self conscious.

"What, do I have something on me?" I asked, looking down at my clothes. They looked normal apart from the rain.

"No, that's the problem actually, I don't want anything on you."

Oh shit, did she really just....

"W-What?" I stuttered as she took a step forward.

"You heard me." Xandra was now so close to me, putting out her cigarette and lifting a hand to stoke my cheek.

"I want you, and I know you want me too." She whispered, her hand trailing down to the neck of my sweater.


"Shh, just let me take care of you....you want that right?" She smirked, and kissed my neck, softly sucking on my skin.

I nodded helplessly, starting to breathe heavily.


"I thought so." She murmured, pulling my hair, attacking my face with her lips. I could feel the wetness between my thighs grow bigger as I tried to stifle a moan, because she'd managed to find my sweet spot.

Then she pushed me against the wall, pinning my arms above my head. "You won't address me as anything other than daddy, got it?"

I nodded, almost shivering.

Then I received a slap on my thigh.

"Yes daddy." I mumbled. She smiled in satisfaction.

"Jesus I've been waiting to touch you for so long." She stated simply.

"Then do it." I raised my eyebrows, hoping she'd give in already.

"Of course darling." All of these pet names were killing me, they turned me on, big time.

Xandra pulled off my jeans, and then ripped off my panties very, very quickly. She looked just as desperate as I did.

"Oh my, you're so wet." She breathed out, smirking.

"All for you.." I whispered.

"Mhm." She moaned slightly as her tongue swiped up and down my clit, causing me to moan as well.

"Please...." She just smirked in response to my beg.

Suddenly I felt tongue inside me, swirling and doing wonders in me.

"Oh shit." I whispered, bucking my hips for more contact. Then her arms wrapped around my legs, kneeling down properly for more access. I threw my head back in pleasure.

"Fuck!" I yelled when she pushed in two fingers as well as flicking her tongue against my clit. She was moving fast, thrusting in and out like there was no tomorrow.

"Come for me." She spoke, causing vibrations against my clit, driving me to the edge.

"Fuck- daddy!" I screamed, my orgasm ripping through my body. She let me ride it out by slowing down, and then licked all the mess up.

"You taste good." She whispers into my ear, nibbling it.

"If this is what it's like to come to your apartment, I'm never leaving." I giggled, and she just wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Good, because I had no intention of letting you go."


I apologise once again.
Why does this feel awkward okay bye-

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