Prayer for Perseverance

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YHWH Elohim of all creation, I bow down before You to ask for perseverance. You have informed us that we would suffer just as You have suffered. You will not give us temptation more than we cannot bear, but also show us a way to overcome it as You are faithful. Strengthen us to be faithful in long suffering and persecution, to never give up on You even in our darkest seasons. Renew, revive and nourish us with the spirit You poured out to us. Clothe us with Your armor, Yeshua(Jesus) and fight the good fight, keep the faith and finish the race successfully. In Yeshua's majestic name, Amen.

"Consider it pure joy , when ever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." James 1:2-3


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