"Close your mouth you'll cath a fly" He said as he patted the space beside him on the couch.

I gave him a friendly glare.

"Okay so Choi Beomgyu Focus" I said as i sat beside him grabbing the first note.

"Yes Ma'am" He replies.

I wonder what are the others doin' they better study. Minutes later i become really comfortable with him inside his room as i explain all the things that he needed to know. I noticed that the skylight turns into a different hue,,, It was replaced with a orangey light along with the now thin clouds floating through the air.

"Do you understand?" I asked as i closed the last notes with my hand placing it down on top of the stacked notebooks.

He thinked for a bit "Yes of course, who wouldn't if you had a great teacher" He rolled his eyes. I chuckled "You don't have to praise me" He grabbed all of his stuffs then shove it inside his bag.

"Do you really just gonna shove them inside?" I chuckled. He went and sat beside me "Yes i would by the way do you play video games?" .

"Yes but not that much why?" I raised one of my eyebrows "Well how about we play something?" He says as he went and turned on the Gigantic TV who's hanging against the wall.

"Umm sure i think it would be good cuz we already finished studying" I said.

"Whoops i forgot we do have a gaming room" He chuckled as he turned off the TV.

"Wait i thought we were gonna play?" I asked confused.

"Follow me it would be much more great if we play there" He said as he gestured me to follow him.

"There... Where?" I muttered.

We were walking through halls when he suddenly stopped on his tracks. On an accident he turned around facing me in result we were kind of face to face with each other but not really since he is taller than me. He was too close for my liking i could literally felt his breathe fanning my nose...?

I pushed my self away from him.
"What?" Was all i could say trying hard to hide my face with my hair.

"You shouldn't cover your gorgeous face with this" He putted the strands back behind my ear causing my whole face turned red.

"W-what did you just say?" I asked flustered.

Why is he acting like this..?

"I said don't hide your face" He said calmly as he proceeded on walking leaving me dumbfounded.

Did he just...

"Oi Choi Beomgyu did you just flirted with your sister..?!" I shouted at the boy who's a few feet away from me.

He responded with a hummed.
I am trying to keep my composure up but this guy is literally making it hard for me. I may sound crazy but deep inside i love it when he compliments me the same like he did the second time we met.

"Oi wait for me!" I yelled as i ran towards him.


It turns out the others were already inside the so called Gaming Room of them. We chat for a bit while we all enjoy playing video games playing on the TV monitor.

"How was the practice" i asked as i kept my focus on the monitor.
"So far so good" Soobin replied eyes still focus on the monitor, we were having a match against each other.

"No! Why...How did you do that!?" He ruffled his hair out of frustration.
"Oops- raw talent i supposed" I smirked as i playfully brought my hand staring on my non existing long nails watching his reaction.

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