Robin nods. “Aye. Ruby and I say it’s a lad and Gina says it’s a lass.”

“Wait, Ruby’s in on it, too? I see her every day and she never said anything.”

“She didn’t want to mention it because she thought it would piss you off,” Regina explains.

“Well, I should be pissed considering you’re making money off my baby,” Emma laughs. “But I guess it’s better than betting on something like whether Killian and I are getting back together or not.”

The table grows silent and Emma wishes she wouldn’t have said that because it obviously made her friends feel uncomfortable. She knows they hate being in the middle of her and Killian. Even though they were friends with him much longer than they were with Emma, they’ve been very loyal to her and don’t wish to choose between them or take sides.

“Sorry,” Emma mumbles, tucking the notepad and pen back into her apron pocket.

“Don’t be.” Robin waves off her apology. “I think I can speak for everyone here… even Will,” he says pointedly, “when I say I would never bet against you two.”

Emma swallows at the sincerity in his words.

“It’s true, Em, we want you and Killian to be happy.”

She smiles at Will. “Thank you. I want him to be happy, too, which is why we can’t be together.”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Regina argues. “You and that baby are the only things that could make him happy. He’s a complete train wreck without you.” 

Emma’s heart constricts upon hearing her worst fear confirmed. “He is?”

The three of them nod. 

“He cares about you a lot, Em.” Will smirks. “Why do ya think I stopped hittin’ on ya after the two of you started datin’?”

“Because you knew Killian could kick your arse,” Robin chuckles.

Will frowns at his friend. “Could not!”

“Of course he can. He’s not exactly scrawny like he used to be. You should know, you’ve arm wrestled him.”

“Don’t remind me,” Will grumbles, telling Emma that the said arm wrestling match didn’t go very well… for Will, anyway.

They continue arguing about who’s the stronger man, so Emma takes it as her cue to leave and hand off their orders to Granny. 

She keeps herself occupied by wiping down the bar counter until she hears the sound of the bell as someone enters the diner. She jerks her head around but is instantly filled with consternation when it’s not Killian. Not that she was expecting him. Okay, she won’t deny she was hoping it was him, even though it hasn’t been him in the last several weeks.

“Emma?” Ruby’s disappointment can be both heard and seen as she scurries over to the counter. “What are you doing?”

Emma places her hand on her hip as she faces her friend. “Rubes, I know you mostly goof off while you’re on the clock, but some people actually work for their money.” 

Ruby shakes her head. “No, I mean, I know you picked up a shift today, but I figured you called off.”

Emma furrows her brows in confusion and narrows her eyes at Ruby. “Why would I call off after I begged Granny to give me extra shifts?”

Ruby rolls her eyes, making Emma even more confused. “You can’t fool me, Em, I already know.”

Okay... did Emma miss something? “Know what?”

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