I turn, jumping when a loud horn sound from a huge, yellow recovery truck driving around the corner. It stops right in front of us and I beam, sharing an excited look with Rose when mum hops out. "Right! You've only got until six o'clock, so get on with it!"

"Mum... where the hell did you get that from?" I ask.

"Rodrigo, he owes me a favour," she shrugs and I raise an eyebrow as Rose snorts loudly. "Never mind why," she waves off. "But... you were right about your dad, girls, he was full of mad ideas and this is exactly what he would've done," she smiles. "Now, get on with it before I change my mind," she chucks the keys to Mickey.

I pull mum into a tight hug. "Thank you..."

"You're welcome, sweetheart," she pulls away, wiping my hair from her face.


We get the chain hooked on the back of the truck and hook the other end back to the console. Rose and I were inside the TARDIS watching the chain and mum was outside watching Mickey.

"Keep going!" Rose shouts.

"Put your foot down!"


"Give it some more, Mickey!"

"Keep going!" I shout as the chain begins to crack.

"Come on! Come on!"

"Keep going!"

"Give it some more!"

The chain breaks and the heart snaps open, bright, golden light pouring from it. I see Rose going to look inside of it but I step in front of her, the vortex flowing from the TARDIS and directly into my eyes.

3rd P.O.V:

The engines of the TARDIS start-up and Rose falls to the ground but Galaxy doesn't seem to notice because as soon as the TARDIS stops, she walks over to the doors, surrounded by light and she opens them without even touching them. When the TARDIS doors open, the Doctor looks back and his heart breaks at the sight in front of him. Bits of energy snake out of the doorway and Galaxy stands there, her eyes no longer blue, instead they are now a golden colour.

"What've you done?" the Doctor breathes out, terrified at what she is doing. "I looked into the TARDIS and the TARDIS looked into me," Galaxy answers, her voice having an echoing quality to it and the Doctor watches her worriedly.

"You looked into the vortex, Galaxy. No one's meant to see that!"

"This is the abomination!" the Emperor screams.

"Exterminate!" a Dalek fires but Galaxy stops the beams from hitting her by simply raising her arm.

"I saved the Bad Wolf before it was too late," she says and looks over her shoulder at Rose. "And the Protector was born."

The Doctor watches her with fear in his eyes. "I take these words and scatter them in time and space." Galaxy waves her hand and the words Bad Wolf lift into the air before disappearing. "A message to lead Rose here and then soon, me."

"Galaxy, you've got to stop this! You've got to stop this now!" the Doctor pleads. "You've got the entire vortex running through your head! You're gonna burn!"

"I want you safe!" she replies, making the Doctor look at her in shock. "My Doctor... protected from the false God."

"You cannot hurt me. I am immortal," the Emperor remarks.

"You are tiny," she corrects, glaring. "I can see the whole of time and space. Every single atom of your existence and I divide them," she says and a nearby Daleks disintegrate. "Everything must come to an end. Everything dies. The Time War ends," she declares and the Daleks around them begin to crumble. "I will not die. I cannot die!" the Emperor shouts and Galaxy only holds up her hands and the ships disintegrate. "Galaxy, you've done it!" the Doctor calls as he stands in front of her. "Now please, stop. Just let it go!"

𝒮𝒶𝒻𝑒 & 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें