Party and B1

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hey im sorry this chapter is so fucking short but school is piling up and im so fucking stressed



Suga took a deep breath as he stood in front of the door, staring right at the flat wooden plate that read "A2". "Oh just hurry up already!" Noya said tapping his foot. Then, he stepped in front of Suga and rang the doorbell himself. After that he quickly stepped back again next to Asahi. When the door was finally opened Suga was face to face with Daichi. "Hey! Come on in!" He said, stepping aside and holding the door open for everyone. They walked in one by one, Suga first, giving a small smile and a wave to Daichi as he walked by. Next was Noya and Asahi. Noya giving a small "hi" and Asahi nodding in his direction. After that Yamaguchi walked in with his hands clutching each other in front of him shyly. Last was Hinata, waving with a bright smile. Everyone went to different places in the living room. Suga went to sit with Daichi of course and Asahi joined in soon after due to Noya meeting Tanaka sitting with Ennoshita. Hinata went to sit down on the couch taking an interest to Kageyama. Yamaguchi went to sit at the table across from Tsukishima. Suga, Daichi and Asahi started up a conversation about maybe going on a trip with the 10 of them to the aquarium next week while Yamaguchi and Tsukki just sat quietly at the table eating strawberries. Hinata was annoying the shit out of Kageyama while Ennothita tried to prevent Tanaka and Noya from doing something stupid. This went on for about 3 hours before Suga decided it was time to head back. "Well..thank you for tonight. It was wonderful" He said outside the door to apartment A2. Everyone had already said their goodbyes and Suga was left alone with Daichi. "Oh it was no problem! Come again soon" He said. "Yeah.. maybe...if it's alright with you...sometime we can hang out just the two of us?" Suga said, twirling his thumbs around each other. "Uh..Yeah! Yeah that would be great" Daichi responded, flustered. "Ok, thanks" the silver haired male responded. Though just as he turned around Daichi called out. "Suga, wait!" He turned back around. Daichi leaned down and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "Ok, bye" Daichi said waving. Suga opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out so he just waved back and walked across back to his own apartment.


"Excuse me sir, but if you keep being this loud you'll have to step out" Bokuto and Akaashi were currently at a special private garden where Akaashi's next modeling gig was and Bokuto was being especially loud. "Oh, sorry" He said, sitting back down to watch his boyfriend do different poses in front of the camera. "Woohoo! Go Akaashi!" He whisper shouted. Everyone in the area rolled their eyes. It was another hour before the shoot was done. "You did great Akaashi" Bokuto said lovingly walking up to the model and wraping his arms around his waist. "Thank you Bokuto-san. You're cheering was very helpful." The blue eyed man responded, leaning in to give Bokuto a small kiss. "Uh...sorry to say this but our time is up so if you could kindly get a room-" Aran, one of the camera men said, interrupting the moment. Aran also happened to have a boyfriend who lives just across the hall from the couple. "Sorry Aran, we'll be going now." Akaashi said, unwinding his hands from around Bokuto's neck and taking his hand. "Bye" He said as they walked out the door.

(A/N back the the apartment)

"We're hoooommmeeee!!!!" Bokuto shouted, walking into their apartment. '1,2,3' Akaashi counted in his head. "BROOOOOOO" There it was. Soon after, Kuroo came out of his and Kenma's room with his hands in the air. "BROOOOOO" Bokuto responded, making the same 'hands in the air' action. They started up a conversation about a new action movie that recently came out. "Hey Kenma." Akaashi said as Kenma slowly stepped out of the room with his head in a video game. "Hi" He mumbled, sitting down one the couch. And of course, their last roommate, Yamamoto, soon came out of his room screaming and shouting to join Bokuto's and Kuroo's discussion. "You know, it's been a while since we invited guests over and I heard there are like, 10 new people who just moved in. 5 downstairs and 5 upstairs. I know Daichi's place has already invited the newbies on his floor so why don't we invite the ones upstairs?" everyone in the room agreed. Little did they know that trouble they were bringing into their sweet, humble home. 


Again, i apologize for the short chapter and I promise the next one will be longer

xoxo- Dil Pickles💚

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