Jealousy (EddieXReader)

Start from the beginning

"Eddie..." "What!?" he looked at me, "TCH" he slapped me then walk to the table in front of me then get a knife, he look at me, he starts to walk towards me then point me the knife "I want to kill you so bad..." I close my eyes, I smiled 

"Kill me then... if that makes you happy... kill me...", I felt the end of the knife touch the skin of my neck.....

"Dammit!!" I heard the knife being thrown on my back.

I opened my eyes looking at him "I-I can't...WHY?!! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS BEING LIKE THIS Y/N?!" he walk to my back, I feel my hand being free "Get out before I change my mind!" I stand up and run out, good thing I knew the place, I quickly got back to my apartment. I lock everything before going into my bed.

*The next day*

I went out of my room already dressed up, I eat my breakfast then went out.

I walk in, I start to gaze around and see The Boys "Y/n!" Josh called, I lift my hand signing not to come near me, I smiled then wave, I run to my class.

*At Lunch*

I gather my things up and went out, I walk to the cafeteria, I see all of them, Grant looked at me then waved, I wave back then walk in the other way.

(Grant's pov)

'What happened to her? she's been acting weird...' I look at the others, "Yo let's party later since it's Friday" Gaege said, "Yeah let's party!" "B-but-" "Grant you comin'?" Eddie cut me "N-no I'll be staying in my apartment," I said "Ok suit yourself," Mully said, I take a deep breath. All of us finished eating and went back to our classes.

*After Class*

"h-hey Y/n" I call her "Hm?" she face me "O-oh hi Grant" "are you avoiding us Boys?" "N-no why would you think of that?" "earlier.. you didn't sit with us" "I just need to do something" she chuckled "I'll be going now," she said then left, I sigh and went out of the room.

(Y/n's pov)

I put my hand on my pocket thinking about what happened yesterday 'I want to kill you so bad..... You always getting the attention!!' the words came back from my head 'he wants to kill me? getting the attention? 

I opened my apartment and went in, I lock the door and get in my room 'It's Saturday tomorrow... we used to record on that day but now... I need to leave them alone...' I stand up and open my VR headset and play alone.

After I played I got an invitation from Grant, I ignore it then turn my VR off, I put it on the desk and lay in my bed

(Months passed Y/n still avoiding The Boys until they graduated (They all high schoolers by the way) Y/n transferred to another school)

(Y/n's pov)

I walk inside of my new school 'wow...' I start to walk around, "Miss Y/n?" I heard from behind, I face him "O-oh hi" "You're the new student right?" "yeah" "Ok follow me, I'm Jel and I'll be touring you today..," he said then started to walk, I follow him.

"So this is the principal's office" "Thanks," I said walking in to get my schedules and things I need to know. I went out, I see him looking at me "Shall I tour you now?" "Y-yes"

"And.. this is the stadium," he said "What subject you have at this time?" he asks, I lift the paper "Umm... algebra" "Oh we had the same subject so let's go?" he asks "yea sure" we walk to the class where it is and wait for the teacher to start the class.

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