I was glad that I'd taken the time to research the different types of cat litter, I had to admit I'd never realised that there would be so many to choose from. I licked my lip as I glanced at the light purple litter tray in the trolley and thought about what else we needed.

"Can we get some toys?" I asked Harry as we walked slowly through the aisles and Harry shrugged.

"If yeh' want."

"No, it's if you want to as well." I said quietly making Harry shake his head as he squeezed my hand. "Are you sure you're okay with getting a cat?"

"Yes, Sunshine." Harry stressed making me press my lips together as he steered us into the next row of cat items. "I said we could, like cats."

I knew he liked cats, in fact, Harry liked every animal but I was still worried that I was forcing him to get a cat. And I mean I felt bad because I still didn't have a job, although it wasn't like I wasn't trying to get one.

I was pretty sure Harry had something to do with the fact that I wasn't getting any interviews because I knew he didn't want me going back to work but I needed the money.

And that was something he didn't understand either, just like I didn't understand how or why he didn't want me going to work, I didn't want to have to rely on him and his money all the time.

I didn't want him to think I was just using him.

"Oh tha's' cool."

I looked up to see Harry holding a pack of fluffy toy worms and I laughed a bit as he dropped them into the trolley.

"Do they have other colours?" I teased making Harry half-heartedly glare at me and I laughed.

"Shut up Sunshine."

I simply rolled my lips together before I looked back at the toys, now he knew how stupid he sounded when he'd made a fuss over the fact the litter tray I wanted only came in purple.

As if cats even know what colours are!

I added a couple of packs of brightly coloured mice and fish to the trolley before we headed towards the treat area, stopping by to grab a scratching post and I simply stood there watching as Harry went mad dropping multiple bags of treats into the trolley.

"I think that's enough." I advised as Harry dropped the eighth bag of Dreamies treats in the cart. I was pretty sure we had a pack in every flavour.

"But this one is BBQ turkey!"

"Last one then." I gave in making Harry smile at me and I shook my head, who knew he'd take over? "I think we're done."

"What about a bed?"

I looked up at Harry who was looking down at me and I bit my lip before nodding slowly.

"I guess, although I thought cats slept on the furniture."

"I feel like we should get it a bed." Harry hummed before he steered us in the direction of the beds and I laughed. "Oh! And a bowl!"

I flushed as I realised I'd forgotten arguably the two most important things for a cat.

A water bowl and a food bowl.

"I like this one." I said as I pointed at a brown spotty bed, it was very soft too.

"What if we got more then one?" Harry countered as he held up a big hooded grey bed and I sighed.

"Do we need more than one?"

Who knew I'd be the sensible adult here?


I laughed as Harry took a hold of the one I'd been looking at and dropped them both into the basket and made a show of walking away making me laugh even harder, his head turning over his shoulder with a grin.

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