Chapt. 2

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Waking up next morning is a pain. In fact, I wake up so startled and bolt out of bed, thinking "I'm late for class!" then slowly realise as I'm squeezing into my skinny jeans; I'm no longer enrolled in any classes. So I just stand there in the middle of the room with tangled hair, skinny jeans on, yet not buttoned, my eyes still drooping. What am I suppose to do now? I'm not so sure so I'll just go shower I suppose. I remove my jeans, and step on the cold tile and squeak. Ah that's cold, I wasn't expecting that. I grab the discarded jeans and throw them onto the cold floor, stepping on them and using them as slippers. My body shivers as I turn the shower handle. I give myself a round of applause for even remembering how to work it. I prolong the time showering and changing. After I am finished with all I go downstairs where it's quiet. I remember it wasn't always this quiet. I look around in the kitchen, in the main room; everywhere. I hear a slight rustling of papers in the home office in the corner. I walk towards, quietly and tap the door twice. A deep, croaky voice makes me blink twice. "Come in,"
I turn the knob and peek through. My dad looks like a zombie. He's looking up from his glasses, smiling small. Wrinkles creasing his forehead and the corner of his eyes.

"Hello darling. Slept well?" He asks, clearing his throat. I take two steps forward.

"Yeah it was well. What's all of this?" I point to all of the paperwork scattered on his mahogany desk. He suddenly seems to snap from his daze and collects all of the papers in his hands.

"Oh, this? Just some- stuff, needs to be signed." He holds my confused gaze for a few seconds before cracking a smile.

"How about you go put on a film while I cook you up some breakfast. It can be a full English, just like old times." Though all of this seems odd, I still smile and nod.


I exit and go into the living room, and decide to catch up of the last season and new season of "The Walking Dead". My stomach growls and dad has, yet not left his home office. I get up and walk towards his office and tap on the door. No answer. The door creaks as I push it through enough to poke my head in and see he is knocked fast asleep on the desk, snoring silently; his cheek pressed against the papers on the desk. I quietly shut the door and sigh. So much for just like old times.

After breakfast I decide to go out for a walk since I've not been around in a whilst, perhaps visit Jay too. I call Jay a few times and no answer. I assume he's busy or his phone is just on silent. The admiration in my eyes for this city gives me a certain feeling of happiness. I can't explain it but just being here makes me think that I can actually just start over again. This time, of course, with a little less pain.

Round two hours later I head back home and as soon as I open the front door my phone buzzes with a text. From Nathan. I'm assuming he's off from work now because he asks to come over. I respond immediately and let him know I'll be over soon. Don't know if it's me or something smells putrid. Assuming it is me I run upstairs to freshen up a bit. I don't want to smell like outdoors and sweat. I change my clothing and sprit perfume all over. The house is quiet still, I'm suspicious. To be honest I believed my family would be a bit thrilled to have me back, even take a few days off so we could all spend time together. But no, I guess that's alright though. We could always just do family fun stuff during the weekend when everyone is home. Well, I'd hope so.

When I arrive at Nathan's, I don't even need to knock because he's already waiting for me outside in his car.

"Hello, how was your day?" He greets with a warm smile, glancing at me for a split second after I get inside the car.

"Was alright. How was yours?" I ask, fastening my seatbelt..

"Eh, stressful." He looks exhausted with those bags under his eyes. Wonder what is going on with everyone. It's starting to bring me down.

"Oh yeah? Work?" I question further, he glances at me again before going into reverse.

"Yeah sure," he says, "where would you like to go for lunch?"

"I don't mind wherever, but isn't it a bit late for lunch?" I ask, chuckling.

"Right, well dinner then."

"It's too early for that," I laugh.

"Oh who cares? I haven't eaten all bloody day now come on." He says jokingly. I shake my head and look forward as we drive off.

"How are you anyway?" I try for a conversation but it's cut short as he receives a call in the middle. He throws an apologetic glance my way as he holds up his finger for a second and then fidgets for his phone.

"Hello? Yes, hi, this is him. Oh hello! Wow that's great news. Marvelous. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Yes, of course. Yes, ma'am. Thank you so much again. Very well, see you soon." His conversation sparks up interest. He has a massive smile on his face as well.

"Oh look at you," he laughs and looks my way. "What was that all about?" I ask.

"Got offered a job." His eyes enlarge for a split second.

"Two jobs? Yikes. How are you going to handle that?" I question.

"Right. I don't know. That doesn't matter though. I'll figure something out. Anyway, how's the family?" We begin to catch up and everything feels really normal once more


Has it been two months? Good God I am so sorry. Now I know no one cares but I'm going to give you my explanation why I haven't updated. Months ago I joined a theater production (well I was pressed to do it by the producers.) leading to many days where I was too busy. I'm still in high school as well which is extremely time consuming as well as the newest theater production which has left me exhausted and brain dead to write anything. I've been traveling around the state with the rest of my cast performing and receiving critiques, then perfecting everything.

To sum it all up... School and theater life has taken over my life. I'm sorry for not updating in so long but I want to thank you all for the amazing support I've received from you. I hope you can all forgive me and allow me to still produce decent chapters for you all. It's a struggle but it's one I'm willing to tough out. I love you all I cannot express that enough.

Thank you for voting, commenting, following, sharing, and above all, reading. Please leave a comment and a vote if you may. I'm being honest when I say it keeps me going.

So much love, Josie. Xx

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