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Words: 1465

~Time Skip~

The headaches and shocks, jolts, thingies. I really don't like it. The guys and Julie almost found out after I got a jolt in front of them. I think Alex is on to me. I also got my period yesterday so now this weeks going to go horrible. And my birthday's tomorrow. Yeah, I don't I'm gonna last long.

"Hey, Y/n!" I hear Willie say, entering my room.

"Hi," I turn my chair around. "What's up?" He had something behind him.

"Well, since your birthday so tomorrow..." Willie was going to show me but I stop him.

"No, it's fine. You don't need to give me anything this year." I turn my chair back around and mumble, "It's not like I'm gonna last long."

"But, Y/n. You're gonna love it." He tells me.

"Fine," He puts it on my desk, in front of me.

It was a ukulele. I always wanted one, but Dad said he didn't want me to do anything with music and stuff, BUT I LIVE IN A FRICKEN GHOST MUSIC CLUB THING WHAT IS HE EVEN TALKING ABOUT??

I look At Willie, "Thank you."

I give him a big, tight, warming hug.

"You're welcome."

~Time Skip~

It's my birthday... Yay. I just left the club, finding out that my dad doesn't even remember my birthday. That's so annoying. Willie gave me another gift, he found a dead dog wandering around here. And he brung it to the club for. Now, I just got to make me apart of the dog's soul. Alex found me, technically, walking to his house. He wanted to ask me if I was okay and walked with me to his house.

"So, do you always walk alone?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, my dad says it's okay. I'm a strong, independent, woman." I chuckle.

"Oh, okay. Do you not have any siblings or parent guardian?"

"No, I don't. I mean, one of my Dad's coworkers try to help me as much as he can but, he's pretty busy." I sigh.

Dad really likes to give Willie a lot of work now. And Willie can't help but watch Alex from afar.

"Don't worry. I'll help you." Alex smiles.

I smile back and we walk to his house.

~Time Skip~

We enter the house and I noticed all the lights off. Like, the blinds were closed all the way so you couldn't see anything.

"Why are the lights of-" I get cut off right when I turn the lights on.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Julie, Ray, Carlos, Luke, and Reggie shouted.

Reggie then blowed in the party blower.

I feel tears fall down my cheek, happy tears.

"Are you... crying?" Reggie asks.

I nod slightly and give the Molina's big hugs.

"Thank you," I tell Ray as I hug him.

"Don't thank me. It's was all Carlos' idea." Ray pulls away from the hug.

I smile at Carlos before tackling him in a hug.

"Thank you." He strokes my hair.

"Anything for you,"

Did I mention that Carlos had a crush on me? I think he still does. And I know he's still recovering from it. I try my best to make it up to him but... he says not to. I love him very much and I just want to make him happy but he's always putting me first. Which is going to be bad when I die. Because he won't let go. I know that. So I have to stay with him at all times. Because I'm gonna miss him.

(JATP x Reader) I'm SorryWhere stories live. Discover now