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DAENYS THE DREAMER SAW MANY IMPOSSIBLE THINGS AS THE STORIES OF HIS FATHER HAD SAID WHEN HE HAD BEEN A CHILD. The dreams that they had dreamed were those that people would find to be nothing but fantasy, things that were unfathomable to the human reasoning. But of course, that would be expected. But he did not expect anyone else to understand but himself. Not many people were like him, after all. He was a Targaryen after all, a blood of the old Valyria.

He had always known from birth that he along with his family were one of the last scions of the once mighty stronghold that has long been gone. They had once belonged to a great and mighty empire that had vanquished all oppositions in quick succession; an empire that fell just as easily to the flames it had prided itself in for the entirety of its existence.

All the glories of the past had been dead, only heard by his ear like the wind that passes through his skin, memories of the long forgotten skulls told through the ears of the living.

The man he was to be had been shaped by the stories he had known of people that had been like him. Stories that had been fueling the pride and glory of his name in him, making him believe that he could be more than just this lord in this castle. There was nothing wrong with being a lord with a merchant's trait. In fact, he knows that there is nothing more important than to have many traits to rule.

But Aegon Targaryen believed that there was more to all of this.

And it was uniting seven kingdoms.

Seven kingdoms that would soon be his.

But he knew he wanted something more than that.

There was also her.

Aegon Targaryen had found himself becoming fond of her whenever he sleeps, as though like ghost haunting him with wants and wishes he did not care to know. Fond was not something he should use but he could not help it even if he was not aware of what this woman is actually like or if she even exists at all.

All he has ever seen was her sweet eyes that were like the beautiful black pearls underneath the waters that surround his keep, her hair almost like a swirl of the beautiful night pierced with the shine of moonlight and her flesh almost as beautiful as the purest of white sands he had ever seen. Everything about her features was the great epitome beauty.

Her smile, most especially was in fact, the brightest thing about her.

Aegon Targaryen could not help but to compare her to his sisters, the women whom he had also taken to wife as well. He wondered if she was more like Visenya with her stern blunt words and her strict movements or more like Rhaenys with her love of songs and her womanly thought for gracefulness.

The lord of Dragonstone did not know.

But he wished he did know.

He had always felt that he had known this woman for a long time for she is all that he has been seeing in his dreams. A part of him felt guilt for that. He was a married man and yet he finding that he is seeing someone else every night when he sleeps beside his dear Rhaenys in their bed.

Aegon wondered what all of these dreams were for.

But night after night, he had come to a realization that this might be destiny.

He was meant to meet her, to know her.

But what he didn't know was one thing.

Why did he need her in his life?

What was so important about her that destiny ties her to him?

But Aegon had lost all the desire to ask why after many years of seeing only her every night.

Instead he was going to let it happen, just like Daenys the Dreamer had once said to her father about the doom, he will let it run its course.

Aegon will wait.

And he was right to wait.

For all his questions will have answers....

When he gets to Westeros.

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