E: Protection + Testing

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(i luv u evelyn but I'm sorry for whatever imma write from this point on) 

I had the urge to throw up so I ran to the bathroom. Harjyot followed. (damn stalker much)



Harjyot:"Did they use protection?"

Evelyn:"Oh shit!"

Harjyot:"I saw a used condom on the floor on my way here.."

Evelyn:"I didn't see anything!"

Harjyot:"Let's go to the near-by CVS! It's a little far from here so we'll have to order an Uber."

We called the Uber, went to CVS, got 4 tests and went home.

Harjyot was up first. I was freaking out! My parents will disown me if I'm pregnant. 

~10 minutes later~

Harjyot:"Evelyn! I'm not pregnant!"

Evelyn:"Thank god but I hope I'm not too."

I walk into the bathroom and open the test from the box.

(shit getting freaky)

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