*Page 2* The mystery calls*

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It all began in a huge home in Los Angela. There is a average family that lives in the home. They act really selfish and spoiled. Loren(daughter) she is 8 years old and very disrespectful. Landon(Son) he is very smart and intelligent, but he is also a bad child, he is very disrespectful to his parents and everyone else. Zain(Dad) he is a complete imbecile. Lacey(mom) very nice to her children and spoils her children but she is a very rude and annoying person,*NAGGER*.

There were these strange phone calls with no trace at all calling these random places. They even called The gas station. The police have been trying to figure out what and why they are calling. They would call and not say anything and just breathe in the phone speaker or they would just say hello in a very low tone. No one could tell whether it was a girl or a guy.

There has been a lot of complaints to the police department about this mystery caller. The police would always say there on the case or they promise they would stop it, but even thy knew that had no chance at stopping it. They have been working on the case for months and they get a call about the caller at least twice each weak.  

They get technicians to see if they could maybe trace a sim card or even the battery but nobody could help. It's almost like, a ghost was calling? They didn't know what to do at this point. They never stopped working on the case, and they kept on and kept on trying for months now, but nothing seems to be working.

On this particular day, this family was called, but this family had consequences. The kids were going to visit there grandparents in New York. They're grandparents picked them up just today. A few hours after the kids left, the mystery caller called the house.  When Lacey answered the phone she noticed it was coming from inside their home. She went into her bedroom and when she stepped inside, her door slammed shut, and locked.

Lacey backed into a corner confused and out panting. She didn't see anyone there. She was calling Zain but she forgot he went to get groceries. She was there all alone, well at least she thought she was. That's when a black shadow appeared in front of her and started throwing her from wall to wall. All you could hear was BOOM..BOOM...BOOM. She stopped throwing her but began to pin her to the wall and choked her to death. The killer soon took Lacey's body out into the woods and buried it deep into the ground. 

Then Zain arrived home. He kept calling Lacey's name but he heard no response. He panicked and called the police. But then...behind him there was the killer. He screamed and screamed but again there was no response. That's when the killer stabbed Zain multiple times to death. She soon took him out into the woods and buried him in the same grave as his wife. The killer went inside to clean every mess that was made and fixed everything that has fallen.

And from there on....they were no where to be found


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