Chapter 4: Let the games begin

Start from the beginning

"So should we wait for a while or should we begin searching?" Eve asked. "Personally, it might be easier if we split up to two groups. One waits, one searches."

''Hm... I agree. But how should we split up the group? For me, I'm with any group I am in,'' the fox-masked brunet said.

"I don't recommend Kashitaro-san for the search team... no offense..." Luz said with a sheepish smile, though he was sure everyone here from the Daylight Police would agree with him.

"Agreed." Neru immediately nodded.

"Yeah, same! I am not gonna go and search for him again!" Sakata whined.

"I-I'm also for letting Kashitaro-san go into the waiting team instead..." Sou said with a sheepish smile as the oldest brunet looked at them blinking.

"Am I that bad that you guys don't trust me with searching?" Kashitaro asked, laughing.

"Yes, so please don't let him into the search team," the redhead said as he looked at everyone.

Remembering what Sakata had said, the albino nodded too. "So Kashitaro-san will be on the waiting team... Me and Ama too!" Immediately dragging the red-eyed brunette with him to the waiting team, Mafumafu gave no chance for a rebuttal.

"Neru-san and I can go for the search team since we know the hideouts... Kuro-chan and Senra-san are also quite well-versed with the town so they'll be good for the search team too," Eve suggested. "That leaves Sakata-san, Luz-kun and Sou-kun..."

"Sakata can join us!" Mafumafu said brightly, quite willing to drag the redhead with him.

"Ehhh, I wanted to walk around the town though, Mafudoooon," the redhead whined as he let the albino drag him to their side though.

"I-I'm fine with either group so I will go to the search group if Sakata chooses the waiting group...", Sou said as he didn't look at any of them directly.

"Sou-kun is good at directions... though he might be a little absentminded and Luz-kun can help us a lot too, so they might be good for the search team," Neru suggested.

"Ah, I don't mind," Luz said with a polite smile. "Please take care of me then!"

"Please take care of me as well..." Sou quickly mumbled as he nodded in agreement before walking over to them, making sure to stick close to Luz as he was happy to have the light-haired male in this group at least.

"Then the four of you can stay here and wait while the rest of us search," Eve said with a small smile. "We can begin now if you guys want."

"I don't mind. The faster we finish up this game... the faster we can just put this behind us." Neru crossed his arms and huffed.

"I-I don't mind either..." Sou answered as the rest nodded. "Well, we will just keep watch here so you guys have fun," Kashitaro told them with a smile.

"Right. Chop, chop, let's go," Neru urged, eager to get out of the house.

"Calm down, we still need to get some stuff and get you some other clothes than your uniforms," Eve said with a chuckle. "The citizens would start a riot if they see Daylight Police on this side."

"Just basically toss them clothes that fit. Got it~" Mafumafu hummed.

"Well let's go soon then, I don't wanna stay in here for too long~" Kuro chirped. "You guys give them some clothes, I'll just wait~" she said.

"Well, I guess I can lend you guys some clothes. Or at least Neru, I don't know if Sou and Luz can fit into my clothes," Senra said as he looked at the said people.

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