Best Friend (Rafe Cameron x Reader)

Start from the beginning


It's been some hours, and your shift is finally done. It's almost time to have dinner and you're exhausted. How are you supposed to go to a party?

You say a small 'goodbye' to Kie and her parents before walking out.

As you were scrolling through your phone and walking down the small makeshift wooden bridge, you see John B walking back to the restaurant with a frown and a glare.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You ask him once noticing.

"What, are you going to act like you don't already know?" John B asks you with an angry tone while scoffing at your concern.

"Know about what?"

"About what happened to Pope"

You look at him confused. Wasn't Pope supposed to be working until now?

"You really don't know, do you?" John B asks and you shake your head, ignoring the texts that you're receiving from Rafe. "Pope got jumped when he was delivering groceries in Figure 8"

Your eyes widen in shock right as those words came out of his mouth.

"By who?"

"Rafe and Topper at the golf course," John B says, and you start to understand his anger towards you.

Your boyfriend did this to one of your best friends.

"How bad is it?"

"Pretty bad," John B says while nodding and looking down at the flooring beneath you, "Pope is at his house, in case you want to see him"

"Yeah," You say while sighing in disbelief, "I'll go over to his, then"

John B nods again and turns to walk out of this conversation and into the restaurant, probably, to tell Kie everything. You walk down the wooden path and get to your mom's borrowed car before driving to Pope's house.


After some time of hanging out with Pope at his house and trying to make him feel better, everyone from the friend group started to come inside the house.

You ignored JJ's glare as he came in and you went over to the kitchen to make Pope's favorite sandwich. And Kie comes in.

She sits next to Pope on the couch, taking a look at his bruised skin, but she doesn't say anything, she just looks.

You walk back and give Pope the sandwich, which got you a smile and a small 'thank you' from him. You smiled back slightly and sat on his other side.

"Did they say why they did this to you?" Kie asks, finally speaking.

"Just that I don't belong to that part of the island" Pope answers before taking a bite out of this sandwich.

You look down as you felt your blood boil. How could Rafe do this? And for what? Some sort of sick entertainment?

You want to call him and make him drive over here just to get screamed at, but you decide not to, for many reasons, but mostly because he has a big party tonight, that you were supposed to go with him. And to be honest, ditching him sounds way better than exploding at him. Especially when he doesn't know you're doing it. Guess that that party will be very entertaining. Waiting for his partner the whole time. What a fun time!

JJ continues to send a glare towards you as you heard Kie's way to change the subject with Pope, but she stops when noticing the blonde's annoyance towards you.

"Jesus Christ, JJ. It's not her fault that this happened" Kie says.

"Oh really?" JJ asks with pure anger in his voice, "Because she's the only one here that is dating a fucking Kook that surprisingly is the one that beat Pope into a pulp" He says, using sarcasm.

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