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08:10 AM


"I have defense against the dark arts and potions after lunch. Don't we all have the same classes?" Fred shrugged, looking over his timetable and mine.

"I heard that Moody is a nutter..." George whispered to us, looking up at the table as if the professor could hear us from here. "I wouldn't put it past me that he could hear our conversation from here." I shook my head, refusing to entertain his insane theories.

"George, we've been here for a night, where did you hear that he was a nutter?" George raised his eyebrows, obviously shocked that I hadn't heard anything about Moody. It wasn't his fault. He must've forgotten that I was completely cut off from the wizarding world as soon as I got home.

I let my mind wander while I listened to Fred and George talk. It was strange, listening to their conversation while also focusing on what was going through my head. Did I miss my mom at all? Or was it more of a guilty feeling? What was even going on at home now that I was never going back?

A heavy feeling filled my stomach.

Where was I to go?

"-he thought there were people out to get him! Can you believe that?" Fred turned to look at me, his face falling slightly when he saw the look on mine. "Charlie?"

I managed to brush it off, begging him with my eyes to not comment on it or bring any attention to me with the others nearby. He seemed to understand, and with a nod, I was forgotten from the conversation.



I placed my chin in my hand, intently staring at the back of Fred's head. This was more interesting than learning about nonverbal spells and how to cast them.

"Smith!" I felt my chin slip from my hand, eyes widening in shock.


"Do you want to be the first to show us how to cast nonverbal spells?" I shook my head, knowing that he thought I didn't listen to a word he said, but I did. "Why's that?"

"N-nonverbal spells require a lot of practice and concentration that I do not have."

"Why don't you show us anyway?" I begrudgingly walked up to the front of the classroom, looking down at my shoes to distract myself from the eyes of my peers. This has got to be one of the most humiliating moments of my life. This reminded me deeply of my dad.

Nonetheless, I closed my eyes in concentration.

Do it for Fred. He's watching you.

Accio... pencil? I flicked my wand, opening an eye to see if that did anything. Obviously, it hadn't.

Okay, one more time.

Accio pencil! My wooden pencil landed in my free hand. I did it.

Cheers came from the Gryffindor house while the Slytherins sneered my way. They had bet that I was going to fail, crack under the pressure maybe.

I looked in Moody's direction, waiting for further humiliation. Instead, I was met with a tilt of his head in the direction of my desk. Finally, I was free.

I took my seat next to George, avoiding his eyes as they burned a hole through my skull. There was no need for any words when Fred turned his head to look at me. He asked if I was okay with his eyes, scared of speaking out of turn in Moody's class. I shook my head, frowning slightly. There was no way I was going to live this down, ever. No way I could escape this once the rest of the Slytherin class knew.



I sat in the lone chair, bringing my knees closer to my head so I could rest on them. I stared at the flames, mesmerized by the way that they changed from yellow to red to orange every so often. I could do whatever I wanted during this period. Although, this year it was important that we spent any free time studying and going over books, I had no intention of doing that. I finished my homework as soon as I got it in class and no later. Which was mostly because if I didn't do that, it would go forgotten and I would never come around to it.

"Charlie?" Fred's voice pulled my from my thoughts, the hair that framed his face dangling off his head when he leaned down towards me. "Almost time for potions." He seemed like he wanted to tell me more, like he was walking on eggshells.


"Are you okay?" I shivered. I had only ever gotten that question when I was with him. He was always worried about my well-being.

"Now that I'm here with you, yes." I hid right after that, ashamed. Why did I say that.. I couldn't see Fred's reaction but I was pretty sure he was taken aback. It was his fault. His fault that his eyes were so soft and comfortable and welcoming. "I-"

"I'm glad."

And that was it. There was no conversation while we walked to potions together.

I became aware of my surroundings in the quiet. The whisperings coming from the paintings near us made my skin crawl. I wondered how Fred didn't take notice to this or how much noise our shoes made when they were hitting the hallway floor. Did he not have a problem with it being too quiet? It always made me feel like something bad was going to happen.

"I heard we learn about some love potion this year. I don't see how that's important for our tests. Do you?" I hesitated on whether I should pretend I didn't hear him or not.

"I think it's interesting." I saw him raise his eyebrows from the corner of my eye. "Isn't it the one that smells like the person you love? Do you think Snape is really going to follow whatever program is set for us? I think he'd rather die than teach us about a love potion." And for the first time in a while (this morning, probably), Fred laughed. His genuine laugh. Something about it was special when I made it happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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