Onesies? Twinsies!

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Sojung woke up by a loud crash downstairs which made her sit up from her bed in worry, she looked beside her and sighed in relief when she saw her wife and the twins still fast asleep not even bothered by the loud noise.

Thinking of any possible outcome on what may have caused the sound she tucked the twins and her wife first then kissed her forehead before she stood up from the bed to inspect what was the commotion downstairs, while walking down the hallway she checked the Older Twins' bedroom to see if they were awake.

Sojung looked inside the twins' room and saw two bodies missing from their untidy beds, she then closed the door and reminded herself to tell the twins to tidy up their beds later, while going down the stairs she could hear murmuring in the kitchen and even bickering.

"Put more jam on mine!"

"Eomma is still sleeping keep your voice down Unnie"

Sojung giggled at the remark as she heard the twins' bickering it was a normal thing in the family because even if they bicker they still love each other unconditionally, Sojung stepped into the kitchen to see Yerin sitting at one of the bar stools pouting, while Yuju was spreading jam on their pieces of bread.

"Oh? Eomma Good Morning~" the 5-year-old who was once pouting sported her smile as she saw her mother enter the kitchen.

"Did we disturb your sleep Eomma? It was Yerin who dropped the utensils" Yuju pointed at her older twin sister with a spoon-filled jam, which caused Yerin to glare at her twin.

"It was an accident!" Yerin shrieked as she was blamed for something she didn't intend to do.

"Shh~ It's still early to start screaming, people are still asleep" Sojung whispered to her daughter who started pouting again, while Yuju snickered as she saw her twin sulking in the corner.

Sojung just giggled at the interaction and went to her oldest daughter to cheer her up "Come on Yerin-ah, how about you help me slice some fruits" Sojung said attempting to cheer her up from all the teasing she got.

It was still early so the house was still quiet with only soft chattering and giggles here and there, it was a calming weekend for the family as it had been days since they could be complete and eat together as a family without the rush of being late for work.

"Good Morning my lovely family" They heard someone enter the kitchen and their heads turn to see Eunha smiling widely at them even though her hair was still disheveled from her sleep.

"Mama!" The twins squealed as they ran to Eunha's arms which caused the young mother to engulfed them in a very tight hug.

"You're home Mama?" Yuju asked her mother curiously.

"I got home last night baby," Eunha said as she kissed their foreheads.

"We missed you" Yerin mumbled inside her mother's embrace, Sojung smiled at the interaction as the kids have been missing Eunha, it has been 5 days since the kids saw her because she went on a business trip.

"Okay, that's enough lovey-dovey in the morning we need to set the table" Sojung cut in their moment which caused the twins to pout at their other mother.

"Aww~ Don't give me that look, we have all day to play" Eunha reassured the older twins whose mood turned a whole 360° "Now let's get the table ready, so we can play quickly".

"Yuju-ah grab the plates, I'll go grab the spoons and forks" Yerin instructed her younger twin as they rushed to the cupboards.

Eunha was supposed to follow the twins to help them if ever they couldn't reach something when Sojung grabbed her wrist and hugged her tightly too.

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