Chapter 1

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I just remember waking up, immediately seeing three men sitting by my bed. One with blonde wavy hair, a cracked smile mask covering his face, a green hoodie, ripped black jeans and combat boots. Another with brown straight hair, a pair of dark brown eyes, glasses which sat on the top of his head, a blue shirt, dark blue jeans, and a simple pair of sneakers. Lastly a guy with black hair, a bandana, blueish gray eyes, a stubble beard, white shirt which had a flame on it covering a black hoodie underneath, a pair of ripped black jeans and sneakers.
(Yes. For this story they look like their characters! Please do not fight me for that.....if you do I might just call you a kidding ^-^)

"Nice to see you awake! Do you remember what happened before?" He guy with the green hoodie says after noticing that I woke up. This of course got the attention of the other two, who were currently messing around, as they look towards me.

"No...who are you guys and where am I?" I replied looking between the three. "Im Dream, the British guy here is George and the loser next to him is Sapnap! We found you in the woods fighting a few zombies before you passed out and thought we should help you out. Right now we're just in a small shack in the middle of nowhere.." the so called Dream said. I nod my head and sit up.

"Well..hello my names Y/N, its nice to meet you Dream, George and Sapnap" I say with a kind smile. They seemed nice enough I guess.

"So Y/ have any friends? If so do they know where you are?" Sapnap asked putting his elbows on his lower thigh. I shook my head after a small minute of thinking. "I dont. Well not that I know of" I mumbled running my fingers though my hair. "You can stay with us! We plan on starting a village around here!" George says sitting up happily. I smiled the best I could. "I wouldn't wanna seem bothersome! I couldn't do that! Plus I dont know you guys enough for that" It was true, even if they seemed like nice dudes I literally just met them.

"Please stay! If you feel uncomfortable at anytime then let us know and we'll stop! I promise you we arent bad people, and if need be you can hold onto our weapons until you feel safe" Dream said as the other two nodded with his answer. I looked at my hands which rested on my legs.

"I wont need your weapons..but if I do feel uncomfortable I will leave. Im trusting you three on this so don't ruin it" I still sounded very hesitant as I looked back at the three who seemed to be happy with my answer.

"You can trust us!" George said as he stood and held his hand out. I took it and pulled myself up. "I hope so"

I opened my eyes slowly feeling the suns warm rays on my face. "Fuck you sun..." I mumbled and rolled on my other side. There I saw Sapnap still fast asleep on the bed next to mine. We ended up staying awake all night playing a few board games along with Punz, Tubbo, and Fundy, who went home afterwards.

Very hesitantly I sat up and stretched. Leaving the comfy bed I went to my small kitchen to make some breakfast for the two of us.

While mixing the pancake batter I thought of the drama going on between Tommy, Dream, and Tubbo. All of this just over Tommy's disc's. Yes I love Tommy, he is one of my best friends but is just a music disc.. I pour the batter into the skillet...
(Memento Mori...🥺)
And took a step back. "Hey babe! Good morning" Sapnap jokingly said while walking in. "Yes good morning honey."

I turn to face him and notice his extremely messy bed head. Both of us just staring at eachother until he let out a small giggle, making the two of us laugh.

I turn back around and flip the pancake. "So ready to see what will happen today?" I ask the male who was now leaning on the counter. "I bet $100 Tommy is going to ask one of us for help today"

"I see it." I said putting the pancake on a plate and adding more batter on the skillet. "He better let us have our breakfast though or else I'll be on Dreams side." I grumbled holding the spatula out acting as if it was my sword.

Sapnap wheezed at my stupidity and looked out the window. "Speak of the devil. Here comes our buddy now."

Ok bitches. First chapter done! I plan on having Y/N see everyone as a sibling so just keep that in mind!!!

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