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Previously Misogi killed a few thugs and Emelia and Puck arrive.

Misogi: Oh the main cast are here.

Puck: Main cast?

Puck: And what did you do to those thugs?

Puck: They don't deserve death sure a beating but not death.

Misogi: What are you talking about they are only injured, no one's dead.

Puck: What do you mean I wiped out the dead bodies.

Misogi: Welp you must be hallucinating.

Puck: What?

Puck looked only to see that the bodies were back and indeed not dead.

Puck: What!

Emelia: What? The bodies are back and they are alive?

Misogi: They were always like that.

Misogi: Are you okay?

Puck: Yeah we're okay.

Misogi: Well if you want to know where the thief might have gone, I suggest looking at Old Man Rom's place.

Emelia: Old Man Rom?

Misogi: Yep or as I like to say OMR for short.

Misogi: It's where a lot of stolen stuff is sold.

Puck: How would you know?

Misogi: Someone told me about it.

Puck: Okay?

Misogi: I'm bored so I'll wait for you there.

They blinked and Misogi was gone.

Subaru: Phew

Puck: You know him?

Subaru: Personally no but story wise yes.

Puck: Story wise?

Subaru: Sort of like a story or legend.

Puck: So there is a story about him.

Subaru: That's why I'm so scared.

Puck: So the story tells of his powers?

Subaru: You would be scared too if you knew what he could do.

Puck: So what can he do?

Subaru: His power is All Fiction, the power to deny aspects of reality.

Puck: So what happened with the corpses?

Subaru: I can assume he made it so that you never broke the corpses and their death became nothing.

Emelia: I'm confused

Puck: Lia he means that the boy's power is to make anything into nothing.

Puck: In other words he's immortal and unbeatable.


Misogi: Oh hello I see you made it.

Puck: We know what you can do.

Misogi: Oh dear it seems you know. Not that I care anyway.

Misogi: Shall we go in?

Emelia: Hm!

Misogi knocks over the door impaling it with screws. 

Misogi: Hello there! We'd like you to return a stolen item please.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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