Redemption| five.

Start from the beginning

She opened the pink envelope pulling out a card that read "Thinking about you." on the front. She opened it and saw a picture of her and her mother. It was the eighth grade dance.

 Kari was smiling widely, her mom's face matching hers as they stood on the steps in front of Mama Lucy's house. Kari turned it over reading the little note that was on the back. Her grandmother always wrote something on the back of her pictures, either the date, the people in it or something that happened in that moment.

"Bakari and Sarina, my hearts." Kari sat the picture on the coffee table and looked on the right side of the card at her grandmother's caligraphy.

"I can do all things through him that stregthens me."

But you already knew that. I am very proud of you babygirl. You make me so proud. I love you.


Kari smiled at her grandmother's thoughtfulness. They always sent cards back and forth when they were thinking about each other despite the visits Kari would make on Sundays to help her cook at the church. She was the only family that she had and she cherished her.

Kari stared at the picture for a second trying to lock in her mom's face. She hated that everyday it was like memories of her got blurrier and blurrier. She wanted to constantly think of her so that she would never forget her.

ding, dong

Kari's eyebrows furrowed because she wasnt expecting anyone. Getting up she past the ounter dropping the picture on the edge of it. She went to the door and looked through the peek hole. Rolling her eyes she opened the door and crossed her arms over her chest.

"What you doing here, again?" She said putting emphasis on again.

"I told you I was coming back, a nigga was bored. And I brought food so you gotta let me in." Amir held up the bag from chickfila and the drink carrier. Kari's face lit up at the sight of chickfila.

"Please come in, come in." She snatched the bag from him as he walked through the door. She wasted no time closing the door behind him and opeining the bag. She frown when she saw it was just a bag of cookies.

"Nigga, wheres the food?" She asked walking into the kitchen. She was confused as to why he only brought desserts.

"Didnt you cook yesterday? I just brought dessert and drinks, i figured we would make a meal." He said nonchalantly. He saw no problem in his offer. 

He thought he was being smart and thoughtful, yesterday when he came he could smell and see that she was cooking, so he decided to go and get something to go with it, it was saving money to him, she didnt have to get anything sweet or to drink and he didnt have to spend money on food. Win, win.

"Niggas, I swear the lord skipped a step when he got to your brain." She mumbled shaking her head. She walked to the refridgerator to get her leftovers.

"What was that?" He asked.

"i said why the fuck are you here bothering me?" Kari fake yelled at him. Amir only laughed he put his phone down and looked around. He spotted what looked like an old picuture. When he realized it was Ms. Rina and Kari he smiled.

"Damn I remember this day. Your grandma kept drilling me cause I didnt have a corsa." He laughed recalling the first time he saw the most important people in Kari's life.

"It was a corsage, and she was only testing you." She said softly. She was waiting on the microwave to go off.

"I forgot how much alike yall looked, like twins almost." He looked at the picture in awe. He always admired Kari's beauty, she was truly a goddess a true masterpiece. And now he realized where she inhereted it from.

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