Technoblade + Reader

516 19 10

Y/n's point of view (POV)

Reader's pronouns:

A cold breeze blew across my face. I was sat quietly, on a snowy mountain, observing the beautiful sunset. It was getting late, but you didn't mind, the view was gorgeous. You hadn't realised you had started day dreaming. Too busy in thought, you had quickly snapped out of that daze, as an arrow whizzed past your ear, barely missing you. Jumping up quickly, you looked around, noticing mobs had started to spawn. You silently cursed, you were relatively far away from your home base.

Thinking quickly, you grabbed your torch and started to climb down the mountain cautiously. While climbing down, you had accidentally managed to drop your torch. Unfortunately, that distracted you from what you was doing and you had missed a step. Your eyes widened as you had almost fell, but you had kept a strong grip with your hands. The ice was no help at all.

Silently and cautiously, you had managed to successfully get down. Unluckily for you, you still had lost your torch in the meantime. Thinking quickly, you had remembered seeing a nicely built house on the way. You sprinted as fast as you could, trying not to get caught in the mobs' tracks. Snow crunched underneath as you quickly made your way.

You felt relieved as the house came into view. You slowed down, trying to catch your breath. Fortunately, there was torches scattered around so that area was lacking hostile mobs. Hesitantly, you climbed up the stairs. Thoughts ran through your mind. What if the person was a danger? What if they intended to harm you? You pushed those thoughts away as you knocked firmly but not too loudly on the wooden door.

The door was hesitantly opened as a figure  opened the door and peaked through. "Hello?" A monotone voice questioned. You had noticed the figure was around 6'3 and had a pink braid sitting on their shoulder. "Hello-" You didn't think of what you were going to say beforehand. "Can I help?.." The man asked. "Yeah- Yes!" You silently cursed yourself, you probably seemed stupid. "Long story short, I'm a few thousand miles (blocks) away from my base, and all I'm asking is for a place to stay overnight. I'd rather not die to mobs..." You chuckled nervously.

The door opened wider. He gave you a warm smile and welcomed you in. You thanked the man. In all honesty, you were surprised at how easy it was to convince him to let you in. Before stepping in, you stomped the snow off your shoes, not wanting to ruin the nice house. You instantly had noticed an enderman sitting in a boat. You panicked slightly and stepped back.

He had seen your panic and chuckled. "Ah I see you've stumbled upon Edward. He's friendly don't worry." He comforted. You felt better knowing the mob wasn't a threat.

"My names Technoblade, or Techno. Call me whatever." He introduced. "And you are..?" "Oh, yeah I'm y/n! It's a pleasure to meet you Technoblade." You smiled reassuringly. He nodded in reply.

You sat down as you just simply looked around his Humble Abode "I'm just going to assume you're not a threat, and you haven't been hired to murder me." He chuckled. "Oh god, of course not!" You replied, if anything you would've thought he would be the murderer. "I don't even have any weapons on me, I had completely forgotten." You laughed at your stupidity. He seemed reassured.

You were deep in thought, until it was interrupted by him standing over you, offering you a cup of {hot beverage}. You kindly accepted . That small gesture made you happier, you instantly felt more relaxed.

"How'd you even find this place?" He questioned. "Oh, I- I normally go out to watch sunset ,but this time, I had forgotten armour and weapons. " You replied. He smiled at you and simply said "To be honest, you don't seem too bad. You should come more often... That's if you wanted to, per say.

Your eyes lit up. Yes, you had only spent a few hours with him, but his presence was extremely comforting to you. You grinned and replied "Of course, I would love to, I would be delighted! He smiled in reply. "I never do really have anyone come round, but you don't seem awful." He joked

You chuckled quietly but loud enough for him to hear. "Thanks, I'm flattered." You replied jokingly. "You're welcome." He threw a playful wink. You pretended to act shocked and sarcastically joked "Wow, take me on a date first." You both looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

After a couple {2} minutes, you had calmed down. You looked outside and noticed the sun was rising. You had spent hours enjoying time with this man, who was a stranger to you a few hours ago. You had only just met, but you felt like you were {platonic} soulmates, and had known each other for years.

You politely started to get ready to leave. "You're welcome to come round any time you want, for the record." He told you. "I'm only gonna be here or not that far from here" You smiled and nodded. "It was nice meeting you Techno, I really enjoyed it." He hummed in agreement. "Same with you, y/n"

You opened the door and took in a deep breath. "Thank you for doing this, I'm genuinely so thankful" You told him. "You're welcome, it was nice meeting someone other than mobs." He jokingly replied. You smiled as you walked down the steps, saying your goodbyes. You knew you were definitely going to come back at some point. His company was comforting and you wanted to get to know him better.

Your travel back was calm with birds chirping, the snow crunching underneath your feet and the knowledge of knowing you've just made a great start to a new friendship that will last a long amount of time.

{Word count: 1000 words}

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