"Do you wanna talk about it?" I shake my head.

We all just sit there, enjoying each other's company. I guess this is what it actually feels like to be in a family.

~Time Skip~

I woke up, my head laid on Julie's shoulder and Carlos laying on top of both of us. I get off the couch and cover the siblings with a blanket. I walk into the kitchen, seeing Reggie and Ray.

"Good morning." Ray and Reggie says in unison.

"Morning." I open the fridge it get a cup of OJ.

"Are you feeling better?" Ray rubs my back.

"Yeah," I reply, drinking some of the orange juice.

"Well, I made your favorite. Bacon pancakes!" Ray smiles.

I grin and hug him.

"Thank you," Ray hugs back.

"Aww," Reggie says.

I see that I'm still wearing Alex's jean jacket. I steal everything from everyone so... it's mine now.

I go to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and doing my business. I feel myself get hit with one of those jolts, shocks, things and I fall back on the wall. I get back up and walk downstairs, trying not to make it obvious that I'm in pain.

"Hey, Y/n." I hear Luke greet.

"Hey, you're still wearing my jacket." Alex points out.

"Yeah, it's mine now." I tell him and his face drops.

Luke laughs at his reaction and Alex smacks Luke. I walk into the dining room and sat next to Julie. I see something next to my plate so I pick it up. It was my bracelet. It also had a note.

"I'm sorry for not giving it to you - Reggie :)"

I look up at Reggie and he smiles and shakes his head. My eyebrows furrow but I shake it off, reminding myself to ask him later.

~Time Skip~

I find Reggie in the studio. I sit next to him, fiddling with my bracelet.

"Reggie, do you know that, I- uh- er-" Reggie gives me a confused look.

"Do you know tha- Why'd you give me this?" I ask Reggie, showing him my bracelet.

"Because it's yours."

"And you found this at The Ghost Club?"


"And you're not suspicious about that at all?"

"No, why would I be?" Asked Reggie.

"No reason."

That's surprising.

~Time Skip~

I was finally out of the clear. But, I do have to tell them sooner or later. Carlos and I were hanging out in the living room, me helping with his homework.

"DUDE!! What is 4(5 • x)?" I ask the boy.


"Boy..." I grab his piece of paper and pencil.

"So, you know that x=3, right?" He nods, watching me right on the paper.

"Then, you replace the x with 3, and just solve the problem."

"Ohhhhh." Carlos starts writing on the paper.

I roll my eyes and sit back on the couch. Luke poofs next to me and tries to scare me.

"Very scary." I mouth at him.

He rolls his eyes.

"So, I'm guessing Reggie have you the bracelet, huh."

Anxiety spreads all over my body. Oh, god Reggie must've told him and Alex that he found my bracelet at the club and he gave it to me so if Luke put two and two together, then he would know I lied to them that I'm from the club.

"Uh, y-yeah." I mumble.

"Okay, is this right?" I hear Carlos ask.

I look at his paper. He put 240.

"Yeah, that's right." I tell him and he starts to work on the next problem.

"Aww, you guys are adorable."

I lay my back down on the couch. "No, we're not."

"Yeah you ar-" Alex poofs in front of us.

"Luke! Come on, Julie needs you." Like stands up, nodding.

"Bye Y/n- You better give me that jacket back." Alex tells me before poofing away with Luke.

I shake my head before going back to help Carlos.

~Time Skip~

I get back home with Alex's jacket on. I was planning to give it to Willie. Because I know that he misses him a lot.

I knock on his door and he opens it.

"Hey, Y/n- Where'd you get that?"

"I got it from Alex. Well, I stole it from him." I take the jacket off. "And I was planning to give it to you."

Willie smiles takes it. He holds the fabric, rubbing it a bit.

"It smells like him."

"Yeah, yeah. I gotta do my homewo-" I fall down from the sudden jolt.

Willie was about to help me, but I stop him from doing so.

"I'm fine, Willie." I stand up, loosing my balance a bit.

"You sure?" Asked Willie, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm gonna get some water."

Water helps a lot when I get the sudden headaches. It's weird, getting this stamp gets many side affects. The worst one is the headaches. It feels like you're getting hit in the locker every single second.

~Time Skip~

Julie and Carlos invited me to her garage party thing. She was going to play with her "hologram" band.

They started singing. Carlos twirled me and I laughed. While I was dancing with him, I saw Alex look at me weirdly for some reason. It was weird.

I saw Reggie and Alex poof away and Luke makes some strong eye contact with Julie. I started squealing a bit and slapped Carlos.

"I ship so hard." I say.

"Yeah." Carlos says with a smile.

(JATP x Reader) I'm Sorryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें