Chapter 1

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Two months later

     Kion bared his teeth at the group of lionesses, led by a dark furred male with a slightly lighter mane, at the beginning of the mountain pass. "We told you, your not welcome at the Tree of Life" the king growled. "Go back to your home." the male stepped forward. stepped forward. "Oh, but don't you see? I gathered these lionesses just to launch an attack on the Tree. You do know where I come from, don't you Your Majesty?" He taunted. Kion bared his teeth. "I've had ENOUGH of you're games, Hatari! Take your lionesses and get out of here! I'm warning you!" Kion put on paw forward and one paw back. He opened his mouth to roar, but Hatari leaped onto him, forcing Kion to the ground.
     "Grrrah!" Kion tossed him over and pinned him down. He took a glance sideways, and saw the lionesses attacking the entire Night Pride, including Ono, Anga, Fuli, Bunga, and Beshte. Binga and Azaad were both there too. Baliyo was grappling with a lioness about his size, and Surak knocked down two lionesses with his paws. Nirmala was winning in a grapple with a lioness that looked oddly like Kiara. Hatari threw Kion on the ground in his millisecond of distraction. Anga suddenly came down and raked her talons on his shoulder, ushering blood. "Kion! You need to go to the Tree!" she called. "Something's happening!" Kion nodded and shoved Hatari down one more time.
     Kion raced as fast as he could to the tree, his mane flaring as he did so. He came to a halt. "What's happening? Is Rani okay?" he asked Makini, who was at the entrance, seeming to be waiting for him. "Yes, she's fine. Shwari, King Kion, shwari." She patted his shoulder. "It's just the penguins. They need help. Come on in, Queen Rani is talking to them." she led Kion in, as though he didn't know how to find his way to the middle by now. The dim light engulfed him as they stepped past the moss drapes.
     Rani was huge on the moss, only days from giving birth. She was talking with the penguins calmly. "I'm sure whatever cracked your ice-slide is gone now, Pinguino. We'll have Kion check it out though." Kion stepped forwards. "Pinguino. Penguins. What is going on here?" he said with a raised brow. Pinguino took a step forwards. "Well, we were sliding down our ice slide, like the penguins do, when suddenly it just CRACKED! We couldn't slide down it, and we tried! It was TOO cold! Can you believe that? TOO. COLD. And, the slide started to steam! Yeah, steam! There's something REAL fishy going on here."
     Rani slipped a smile onto her face. "King Kion will gladly try to solve this mystery." Kion nodded. "Lead the way, Pinguino." Kion said in his deep voice. The penguins nodded and waddled out, Kion leading closely behind. "Makini, can you come over here?" he heard Rani call. Makini will take care of her. She's fine. Kion forced himself to calm down. He followed the penguins all the way to their lake. "Aha." Kion watched the ice let out of small bits of steam. A crack was splintering in the middle. He padded over it and poked it with his pad. His pad burned with cold. "Dry ice. It's gotten a bit too cold. Have you noticed any change in weather?" Kion asked, shaking out his freezing paw. The penguins glanced to each other. "Well....Yeah, actually. We have. There was a recent sort of...ehhh...wall of coldness. It made us shiver and go hide in our dens. Yeah, yeah it was so weird!" Kion twitched his ear in surprise. "It could have been just a bit of a snowless blizzard or something." If that even exists. Kion flicked his tail.
     The penguins nodded. "Yeah, your right. Well, now that the problem is solved we can go back to sliding!" Pinguino waddled to the slide. Kion leaped forward. "No. You should wait until it warms up a bit. Dry ice hurts." the king let the wind flare up his mane as he started to walk back to the tree. "Thanks King Kion! Will do!" Pinguino called with several honks behind following. Kion let out a quirk of a smile. "Anytime." he called back. He picked up his pace until he was running to back to the Tree. The Night Pride was sitting at the entrance. "Greetings. Did you fend off Hatari and his lionesses?" He asked. Fuli nodded. "We sure did." Kion shook out his mane. "As I expected. I'm sorry I had to leave. With Rani being pregnant, me being summoned is slightly panicking." Kion explained. 
     "We understand Kion." Bunga shrugged. "Yeah, we totally get it!" Binga said. "Well, Kind of. We don't exactly have kits...but we understand!" Baliyo nodded and stepped forward. His mane curled one way and bobbed as he did so. "I definitely understand. She's my sister, too." he comforted.  Kion smiled again. "You guys are great." He said. "I'm going to-" He stopped abruptly at a yelp of terror and pain. It was Rani's. "Makini! Get Kion!" Rani called from in the Tree. "They're coming!"

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