Ghost girl

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Jaden's P.O.V

I had never seen a ghost. But I would like to say, there is a first time for everything...

The sudden silence was deafening as when a heart monitor abruptly stops, It sends shivers down my spine. The cold air suffocating me turns to mist, I can barely see through it. Is it mist? I ask myself, or gas. The smells of chemicals stings my nose and my mouth tastes like it too. My vision becomes blurry and I feel as if I'm about to pass out. I collapse backwards hitting my head against the hard stone floor.

A sting for pain spreads through my head. I lay stiff on the hard, cold ground. My head feels heavy but my brain feels light, my vision remains fuzzy as I slowly get up but my eyes fix on the figure in front of me. It looked just like a regular eleven year old girl. Her wavy hair dropped down past her shoulders and she wore a long dress down to her feet. The dress was a transparent pastel white but so was everything else about her. I could see right through her and I had a bad feeling she could see right through me.

It, or should I say she didn't say anything but just continued to stare deep into my soul. I wanted to run, I wanted to scream and call for help but I just stood there frozen in fear, my eyes as wide with terror. I could feel the colour being drawn from my face as goosebumps sprouted along my arms and legs and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

The room we stand in is pitch back; the ghost stands out against the unilluminated room. Her eyes are ink black with no distinct pupils or colour whatsoever and they remained fixed on me, it gave me the creeps.

The door swung open at once and the light that came through was blinding. I had been in the dark so long it took me a few seconds to adjust my eyes. I swung my head around to see the cause of the light. Standing at the door looking startled and concerned was my mother. At once I realized where I was. I was in the garage. I don't remember why though.

The gas had come from the car it was leaking from the engine. "Jaden" my mother beckoned. "It's not safe for you to be down here, what were you doing?"

"Umm" I looked over my shoulder to where it was standing but It was gone. I scanned the garage but it was nowhere to be seen. I'm going mad, I told myself I've got to be going crazy.

"Honey are you okay? Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine"

And with that she led me back to the house and sat me down on the couch.

"39.3" my mother muttered to herself as she jabbed the thermometer into my ear "Are you feeling ok honey?"

"Mummmmm" I moaned "I'm fine I told you already" I stood up and stormed up the stairs to my room.

"Jaden! get back now!"


My room was small and bland. The walls were white and I had a small desk in the corner which was covered with papers and pencils. I had a small double bed opposite the door. The covers on the bed were light blue, my favorite colour with green polka dots.

I flopped down on the bed when my little brother burst into the room.

"Elijah!" I yelled "I told you to knock!"

"Sowey" he pouted, although he didn't look very "sowey" at all with his small little kid teeth flashing in a wide grin.

"What do you want" I grumbled as he jumped down on the bed next to me.

"Nothing" he smirked

"So you came all the way to my room just to annoy me!"


And then he ran out of the room leaving the door open. I mean there's nothing more annoying than leaving the door open!

After dinner I headed straight to bed but I didn't sleep not once that night. I was frightened by what happened today that there was no way I could possibly sleep ever again so I just lay there alone with my thoughts which wasn't a good thing as after today most of my thoughts consisted of the terrier of ghosts but I eventually dozed of.


It was the girl, the ghost but she was standing at the foot of the bed, her jet black eyes were glued to mine. It was just like the garage, I couldn't move and she didn't move.  RUN! I told myself, but my legs dismay and I lay frozen on my bed. At this moment in time I realise this is no dream but reality I pulled the covers over my head and took in deep breaths. My mind was spinning and I was still trying to overcome the fact that the incident this morning wasn't just me going crazy. No, this can't be true I reminded myself before pulling covers off my head only to see I was wrong. The ghost stood there as it had before I freaked out. Seeing her just standing there outraged me, WHY CAN'T SHE JUST MOVE ALREADY OR MOVE!

I barley slept last night so the next morning I was a wreck all through out the whole school day.


My eyes fluttered open SHOOT, I had fallen asleep in Math class. The earning sound of Mrs Hover's voice sent me shooting up in my seat, hair stuck to one side of my cheek. At this stage everyone in class was looking at me, some with faces of discucust and others looking all red in the face as if they are struggling to hold back laughs. "Falling asleep in my class" she bellowed, but before I could even respond "DETENTION!" Out of any class I could have fallen asleep in it had to be Mrs Hover. She throws around detentions like it's nothing, seriously some kid in her class got detention for writing in blue pen and not black.

"Wait Ms I-I-I....." I pleaded

"What am I boring you?"

"N-o-o-o....... your..." But she cut me off

"are my lessons not fun enough or interesting? is that it?"

"No" I mumbled

"Or are you just being SELFISH AND LAZY!"

"I..." I began

"sit back down i'll see you after school for your 4 o'clock detention!"

I sat back down in my chair, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I kept my head down the rest of the lesson and although I couldn't see them I could feel people staring at as if I was a freak and honestly I didn't get it. I just fell asleep in class, But there was still one thing bothering me. It wasn't everyone looking and laughing at me or the fact that I have detention and my teacher embarrassed me infrontt of everyone. No it wasn't any of them, it was the dream I had when I fell asleep, it was the ghost.

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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