I roll my eyes discreetly as even from where I'm sitting, I hear her giggle like a little girl. Sat next to her, and looking as if he'd rather be anywhere else, Professor Snape looks at her as if she's insane. To be honest, she must be if she's willing to take the job as Defence Against the Dark Arts. The job is practically cursed. Quirrel turned out to be working for You-Know-Who, Lockhart turned out to be a fake and lost his memory because of a backfired spell, Lupin left because of his uncontrollable werewolf side and just last year, Professor Moody turned out not to be Professor Moody at all, but rather a Death Eater escaped from Azkaban who was responsible for the abduction of Harry and Cedric, resulting in the death of Cedric.

Nobody in the right mind would take that job willingly.

Dumbledore ignores the giggles and carries on. "I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the Professor good luck. As usual, our caretaker Mr Filch has asked me to remind you tha..." He's interrupted by a small noise, a woman clearing her throat. We all look around for a moment, wondering who would be so rude as to interrupt the great Albus Dumbledore. Then I realise that the girlish voice belongs to the stout Professor Umbridge, who is already stood on her chubby feet. She has a stupid grin on her face, like she's proud of herself. Even Dumbledore can hardly believe it, in over 50 years as Headmaster of Hogwarts, his speeches have never been interrupted.

Professor Umbridge steps out from behind the table, a matching pink pencil skirt around her slight over-weight thighs. I find my gaze darting towards Harry on the Gryffindor table next to us, and hear him whisper "She was at my hearing."

If Professor Umbridge was at Harry's hearing, that could only mean one thing. The Ministry don't trust Dumbledore and are intervening.

Umbridge opens her pink mouth and trills "Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome." She steps in front of Dumbledore completely, who seems unsure of what to do. "And how lovely to see all of your bright, happy faces smiling up at me." The woman must be deluded, because everyone in the room shares the same bored and slightly offended expression. How dare she interrupt our headmaster! "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." There's a hint of sarcasm in her tone, something that I don't believe the rest of the teachers pick up on. However, I know that some of my fellow students do, because they edge backwards, as if the woman's insane. She might possibly be.

When I was just hoping that she was going to take a seat and allow Dumbledore to continue, the vile woman starts to talk again. She clasps her hands together in front of her and peers down her nose at us. "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged." Ok, that's a direct hit at Dumbledore. I find my hand closing around the wand that's tucked safely into the inside pocket of my robe, ready to draw and use it if she continues to push us further. It doesn't surprise me that I'm not alone. Honey hisses gently, my brothers Fred and George exchange evil glances on the Gryffindor table, even Draco sits up and is suddenly brought to attention. "Let us preserve what must be preserved. Perfect was can be perfected, and outlaw that which ought to be prohibited." She flares her eyes at us and flashes the falsest smile I've ever seen, something that rivals even Pansy.

Finally the awful woman returns to her seat beside a shocked Snape and nods her head at Dumbledore, as if she's giving him permission to continue. My cheeks flare and I'm sure I've turned a shade of bright red.

"Thank you Professor Umbridge. Now, I'll announce the Prefects for this year. For the first year students and those of you who have the memory of a gargoyle, the Prefects are students from the 5th years and above that will act as a leader of their house. Two are selected each year from each house - a male and a female - and will be in charge of house events, assisting first years and acting as a good representative of their house and fellow students." All of the 5th, 6th and 7th year students in the hall sit up a little straighter, flashing their nicest smiles at Professor Dumbledore. It's a waste of time really, everyone know that in order to be named a Prefect, you must have brilliant grades, a good role-model and be considered worthy by Dumbledore. He's not the man to be swayed by pretty smiles and the tossing of hair.

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