George Weasley

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•It took him a while after his brother death to re-open the store but when he did, he took Fred Weasley the second with him and that's where he had his first steps and it was the first time George smiled in a long time.
•He never wanted to be a prefect like his other brothers. He didn't want to be the same old Weasley everyone else wanted him to be. So when he didn't get a badge he "secretly" rejoiced with his twin brother
•Since he and his brother owned a joke shop selling Pygmy Puffs he owned one (like his brother) and he named it Murray....
•Every time he and his siblings have a starring contest he wins. Except against Bill. Bill is just unbeatable
•He had surprisingly neat handwriting considering his brother's and sisters was extremely messy.
•He ended up being 5'9, only 1 foot taller then his wife Angelina Johnson.

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