Hawaii 50 and London has Fallen crossover

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Steve and Danny are returning to London after the camping trip they had at England.They're coming to London to take the plane back home.
Danny-I cannot believe that I agreed to that
Steve- It was Harry's wedding gift,we were camping away from Hawaii with no connection to the outside world,without destructions,don't tell me you didn't like the not destructions part
They are at their way to the airport when they hear bombing from the one side, shooting on the other side,they see a bridge collapsing
Steve- What's happening?
Danny- I don't know but it doesn't seem good
Steve drives towards the shooting
Danny- What are you doing?
Steve- I'm going to see what's happening
Danny- Steve,no
Steve's already driving there.After the siren is on,they walk at an empty London.At the next block Mike Banning and President Asher have just caught a terrorist
Danny- (yelling at Steve) The sirens are up which means we're supposed to go inside,not roaming around
Steve- go inside where Danny?we're supposed to be on our flight back to Hawaii now
Danny- (keep yelling)I don't know,call  Harry
Steve- How?The network is off
Danny- (keep yelling)I don't know,you're a Navy Seal,find a way
Steve- Could you please stop yelling?
Danny- Steven Jack McGarrett,I cannot stop yelling,get that?
Mike- McGarrett?
Asher- What Mike?
Mike- stay where you are sir
Mike goes and hides around the corner from where Steve and Danny are coming,the end of his gun barrel is protrudes from the wall and Steve sees it.He makes a gesture to Danny to shut up and he shows him the barrel.He gets his knife out.They approach,Mike points his gun at them and Steve his knife to Mike.
Steve- Mike?what are you doing here?
Mike- Me?What are you doing here?
Steve- I was on vacation with Danny
Mike- Come over here
They approch the President, President Asher comes out,Steve and Danny sees him
Mike- Sir, Lieutenant Commander Steve McGarrett,we had some ops together when I was back at the rangers.I trust him with my life
Steve- sir
Steve and Danny stand still
Asher- Rest gentlemen
Steve- Mike this is Detective Danny Williams,he's my partner
Mike- Hi Danny,what are you doing out here?You were supposed to be inside
Steve- We were camping,we were supposed to be on our flight back to Hawaii right now,we don't have anywhere inside to go
Mike- We can't stay here any more,we beed to leave
Steve- Give me a gun
Mike- What?
Steve- I'm gonna help you protect the President,give me a gun
Mike- Ok
Mike gives Steve a gun,Danny stays close
Danny- Where are we going?
Mike- To an MI6 safehouse
They surrender the President and they enter the train station.After a while they are inside the MI6 safehouse.
Jax- You said Commander Steve McGarrett and Detective Danny Williams?
Steve- yes
Jax- Harry told me about you
Danny- Harry?Harry Langford?
Jax- Yeah,you received the George's Cross
Steve- yeah
After a while the fake Delta team arrives,Danny,Steve and Mike gear up,Steve and Mike go outside to deal with the bad guys and Danny stays with the President.They deal with them and then they leave the safehouse with the President driving the car and they point their guns to the closed windows in case they are forced to shoot.The car goes upside down, everyone is trapped,they try to shoot the terrorists,Steve shoots one and Mike injures another.The terrorists take the President,they manage to get out,the special team the captain of the police sent arrives
Sergeant- Are you Mike Banning?
Mike- Yes,this is Commander Steve McGarrett and Detective Danny Williams
He tells Mike to stand down but he refuses and Steve and Danny do the same.They go there,Steve and Mike enter the building to save the president and Danny stays outside with the sergeant.Steve and Mike leave.
Danny- Great Steve is doubled now
They save the President,the explosion happens,they find them at the end of the elevator room laughing.Mike and the President get out,Danny helps Steve.After a while they leave with the Presidential airplane.They meet Mike's wife and after a couple of days they leave for Hawaii.They arrive and they go to Steve's house,they enter and the whole team waits for them.
Lou- Aloha to the national heroes
Steve- We just did our jobs
Chin- You've been awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom
Kono- Plus you were supposed to be on vacation
Danny- Yeah,the McGarrett vacation.
They all laugh.
Lou,Chin and Kono- Congratulations
Steve and Danny- Thank you
After a couple of hours the team leaves.Steve and Danny stay alone at the house
Steve- Finally some time alone
Danny- Yeah,finally
They kiss,they go to the kitchen
Steve- Are you hungry?
Danny- No,I just want our time alone...

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