It was stupid, something small, sparkly, and utterly useless. Yet, it made him feel compelled to crawl under those blankets with you as you rambled on about how cool this would be and how long you've wanted to do this.

  "Dio," you asked a few minutes into the movie, "is everything alright?"

  He stayed quiet, shifting so his leg wouldn't cramp up.

  "You don't have to answer. I've just noticed you've been a bit... different lately, figured it'd be nice to relax. Even if it is at three a.m. with me in a pillow fort."

  You knew he was listening. You knew he wouldn't reply, but it was worth a try to make your "friend" feel better, right?  Well, it was. Especially when Dio simply wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer, and giving you what almost felt like a hug.

  So the two of you spent the night curled under a blanket, sharing popcorn trying to ignore the strange feeling in your stomach, while Dio attempted to distract himself from the utterly amazing person wrapped in his arms.

{both attempts were futile in the end }


  You were a bit peeved at a certain purple-haired 𝐴̶𝑑̶𝑜̶𝑛̶𝑖̶𝑠̶ giant.  Normally, you would be game for a late night trip to god-knows-where, however, being forcefully removed from your perfectly comfortable environment of a blanket nest on your bed (for optimal anime binging) was something you believed should be punishable by death. (#karmafordio ?)

  Since you weren't the law or any type of probably corrupt politician/ senator that could pass that bill, you figured annoying Kars repeatedly would do the job just fine.

  "Are we there yet?"


  "*sigh* How much longer?"


"Are we there yet?"

  This had been going on for roughly ten minutes. You knew Kars was a man of few words (when he wanted to be) but damn, even you were getting annoyed at yourself.  Finally shutting up for the sake of your own sanity, you took to watching the scenery around you (which was sort of hard since you couldn't see anything in the dark).


    "We're here,"

  "Finally! My legs are killing me!"

  Kars made a weird noise at that comment { 100% not a laugh he was holding back, don't be ridiculous! }, before gently taking hold of your hand nearest him and pulling you to a blanket surrounded by two small lanterns.  He sat down, tugging you with him.

  He looked so peaceful at that moment. He hadn't let go of your hand yet, just staring at the sky with a soft look on his face. You kept staring at him, completely confused as to what was going on.  Where was the big, bad, scary dude who glared a glare that could destroy entire armies when he first met you?

  After a few minutes of silence, Kars' eyes flickered from the sky to your own eyes.

  "When I was younger, I wanted to be an astronaut. The idea of being among the stars, being so close to the perfect creations..."

  You nodded slowly, why was he telling you this?

  "My father didn't agree, said I had everything here on Earth. Enough creations to last me a life time," he sighed, turning back to the sky, "My best friend supported me, though. We both ended up becoming scientists, but sometimes these stars remind me of him."  (a/n: i feel kars is an astrophysicist and esidisi became a biochemist or something)

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