The first day of school

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Kento's POV

I wake up and I put on my glasses to see Yumiko wearing her new school uniform "Wake up Kento~" Yumiko says "Eh...?" I say Yawning "First day of school is starting!" she says as she pulls me out of bed "W-wait I'm not ready, let me sleep..." I say and she still throws into the bathroom and tells me to wash my face. I do so and I get changed into my new Gakuran. I was wearing a hoodie under my Gakuran and it felt comfortable "You look nice!" Yumiko said to me "You too! I'm surprised you tied your hair up!" I say back "Hey just because I don't tie my hair in front of you doesn't mean I don't do it!" She says as she ruffles my short black hair. We soon both go downstairs and mom was making a simple breakfast. It smelled amazing. We both dig in quickly and mom said "There is someone that will be guiding you to your new school! He's Himiko-chan's son!" She says smiling "Oh! Well, that's good!" Yumiko and I said. 

We picked up our old school bags and put on our new shoes. Yumiko was nervous and I was nervous that I would get bullied or something. My mom gave us a thumbs up and said good luck to us. Once we go outside we saw the guy that mom was talking about. It was the guy I bumped into at the market. He noticed us and I hid behind my sister "Oh god. It's you...." The guy said as he looked at me. I looked at him as well but I was kinda nervous about it. He looked scary "So you guys are new here huh." He says as he pulls out his hand for a handshake "Also sorry for talking to you that way at the Market." He apologies "O-oh It's ok!" I say to forgive him quickly so we can get this over with. We started walking towards the school. I was still getting used to my new school uniform. Yumiko didn't seem ready. We were almost there and I could see that the sakura Trees were almost about to turn back to normal trees. I felt like I was restarting school all over again. Well, I am. But it's High school. 

Yumiko's keychain was a Little bunny and Mine was a bear. My mom got it for us when we started the first day of elementary. We only ended with their heads. We sewed them back so the fluff doesn't fall out anymore. We liked having them attached to our bags. Soon we arrived at the school and we just looked at it. We then notice a banner with our last name written on it. It said, "Good morning Sakanōe Family!" they waved their hands at us and waved the banner to make us notice. "Oh yeah. I forgot to introduce myself" My mom's friend's son "My name is Shōta Yagashi." He said, "Wait it's not Shōta Himiko?" Yumiko asked, "Your mom started to call my mom by her first name." Yagashi said to us. Some of the girls from another class was squealing and waving at a boy behind us. He was tall and I know it's not usual for me to say this but he was Handsome. Yumiko looked and could agree. Yagashi on the other hand looked pissed and annoyed that he turns his head around and starts walking faster. Yumiko and I ran after him.

Once we arrived at the new classroom, Yagashi went into the classroom and told us to wait until the teacher called us in. We both waited until we noticed the Student that we saw outside. He noticed us and came closer "Hi! Are you new here? I've never seen you here before." He asked and we both nodded our heads "My name is Yūsuke Ichiko. I'm a third-year here" He says "Ah! I'm Yumiko Sakanōe and This is my Brother Kento Sakanōe." Yumiko said and I nod as a greeting. "Ah, so you are Saka-chan and Sakanōe-kun." He says and we nodded quickly. We hear our names and Ichiko-senpai waves at us and says bye. We entered the classroom and the teacher said to treat us like everyone else. We bowed and said "We will be in your care now" And the teacher showed us two vacant seats for us to sit at. Everyone soon started to talk to us and We immediately got used to our new class. Yumiko got along with a lot of the girls in the class. Some of the boys were talking to me and asked if I was going to choose a club.

Yagashi was looking out the window and didn't seem interested in what's happening. I look at him and one of the boys if I already had a crush On Yagashi "N-No! Nishibushi-kun! You got it all wrong!" I say nervously while panicking "Heh~! I don't believe that~!" He says as he teases me. All I ended up doing was blushing in embarrassment. I adjusted my glasses again and Nishibushi was snickering at me. Yumiko walked towards me and asked what was wrong "Nishibushi-kun is teasing me.." I say and he looked at me with the "What the hell?! Am I going to die or something!?" Look. I give him a smirk and he landed his face on my desk in defeat. I was used to it. But I don't know if he's right. Eh. I won't worry about it now. Soon It was the next period and It was math. It was almost done. I looked at the clock and just stared at it. It's been around 30 minutes. Yumiko passed out she was sleeping on her new desk. I didn't want her to pass out but if I wake her up she'll kill me. 

I almost passed out too but I tried to keep myself up. Soon everyone got up and Nishibushi Told me that It was time for the gym. I followed the class and I noticed that Yagashi wasn't there. I go back to the class and I noticed that he was sleeping with a book on his face "Yagashi!" I say and he finally wakes up "What..." He says as he pulls the book off his face "We have gym. So um. Can we go now? I don't know how to get to the changing room." I say nervously as he gets up and walks towards the door "Well sure. But we're both late." He says and I follow him. We finally arrived and the class representative scolded us for being late. He wasn't hard on me because it was my first day but he went all out on Yagashi cause he's always late according to Nishibushi. "Is he going to be alright?" I ask while getting change and One of the Boys from my class Said "Yeah. Since junior school, he was always late." And we just laugh. Yagashi Walked up behind me ruffled my hair "Hey!" I say And Nishibushi tries to pull Yagashi's hand off my head.

One of the boys pulled me away trying to keep me away from him "What type of Friendship do you have with him?! He's already patting your head!" Nishibushi said To me while I'm just there confused. My sister walks up to us with her two new friends "Huh? Is there something happening between Kento and Yagashi-kun? Do I need to beat him up or something?" She says with her scary face "No! No! We were wondering why Sakanōe-kun Is so close to Yagashi!" Kawamoto (The other boy that was squatting down next to Nishibushi) said "Ah. Well, his Mom is friends with our Mom." Yumiko said back and Kawamoto and Nishibushi both sigh in relief because they thought I was dating Yagashi. I just looked at them wonder if they were alright. Soon The period was over and we were walking towards our classroom so we can finish off the day. All we did was talk and stuff. It was almost The cultural festival and we all don't know what to do.  We planned on doing A café. I heard that doing a Café was super popular and the cultural festivals here are really popular. But that's what I heard. One of my old junior school classmates told Yumiko that our entire old class was coming to our school to celebrate and see us. 

Wow. I Didn't Know it was going to be this hard. Even on the first day of school.

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