The Cyclops last scene

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Nico, tears running down his face, yelled out "PERCY!" Finally releasing his power.

He was consumed by a black smoke from his feet to his neck. His appearance changed. His bones were glowing a radioactive green. His clothes changed also, his combat boots filled with tortured souls and fiery flames. His black, shirt made of shadows. He's wearing black, camo jeans, with a black, ripped cape grew out from his shoulder blades. A skeleton mask covered his face, and where his ear dark eyes should be, are black holes where your worst fear or nightmare is held.

He ran forward, not a single mobster touch him, because what ever monster touched his smoke, they burn alive. He slashed, stab, burned, choked and tortured anything that was in his way of Percy.

And by seconds, more than half of the monster army was wiped out. The ending was nearing, and the cyclops sensed it because he started walking towards Nico, but then was stopped by a close call of getting hit with lightning. He looked down at his feet, and saw Niki, tears staining her cheeks. "MONSTER!" She wiped her face. Then summoned another lightning strike. he dodged it, and threw a fireball at Niki. Next thing you know, fire against anything Niki summoned.

Percy, was not yet discovered or any sign seen from him ever since getting hit by the fire ball.

Scarlet, she's gone. She screamed out, but by the time Niki got to her, she was too late. Niki held her close, weeping over the loss of her best friend. Than that's when she finally snapped. Now Niki is injuring the cyclops nonstop.

Lightning strike, fire balls, charmspeak, Julian along with other skeletons, water, anything she got, "I won't let Scarlet die for nothing." Niki whispered to herself, gaining more strength the longer she and the cyclops fought. The cyclops on the other hand, cut, bloodied, choked, scarred and other ways of injuries, was nearing close to tired. He was losing steam,and his fire balls grew weaker and smaller.

Nico was getting more speed, strength, power all while getting to Percy. He, like Niki, is crying, tears straining his cheeks. Snow was falling now, getting in fur, hair, and clothes. The snow now completely burning out the fire. Nico ran, faster and faster, shouting "PERCY!" When he finally got to Percy, he stopped, and knelt down, but didn't touch him. His flesh was a raw, bloody mess. His hair was singed, and burned. His face, surprisingly though, was not touch. But his body wasn't so lucky. His clothes seem to have melted onto his skin. Sores were beginning to appear on his neck, arms and antithetical place visible. But again his face was fine.

Nico leant down, resting his forehead on Percy's, his tears falling onto the injured boys face. A clump of clay almost hit him in hugs head, alarming Nico of his surroundings. Nico looked up, and finished off what ever monsters were left. Five more hellhounds burned alive, three wolfs was stabbed, three ghosts were disintegrated, five skeletons were burned to ashes, two cyclops were blasted, and one of the hundred handed ones was sent straight to Tartarus through a portal Nico created. Nico looked back at Percy, and remembered his secret stash of Nectar and ambrosia. He ran towards Percy, in his regular clothes now, and shoved a full square of ambrosia. Then after of a force chew and swallow, he then put some nectar in his mouth. After waiting three more minutes, he had Percy drink the rest of hugs nectar and forced down two more ambrosia. After awhile, he gave up. His skin was now scarred, but not raw, and the blood is dried. The snow cleaned his skin and loosened the clothing. The sores went to red, little bumps. But Percy wasn't breathing. "But how?" Nico asked himself, because usually, he could feel when so eon eddies, but he didn't feel Percy. "He can't be dead, he can't be dead, he can't dead, he can't be dead.." He repeated over and over again, but still after waiting, he never woke up. Nico stood up a set if tears was now running down his face. "I have always loved you Percy." He whispered, and walked away.

Niki was winning, the cyclops was on the verge of giving up also. He never had a fight as long or as painful as this one. She dodged his attacks, she hit him every single time, she seemed to gain power and strength rather than losing it. Let's face it, she was his best competition. Then, shadows appeared, and started to choke him. Dark black smoke rose from his feet, making his skin bubble and sizzle. Skeletons started to rise out of the ground and stab his feet, making him stumble, while more started climbing on him. Then Nico appeared out of the shadows, and the last thing the cyclops saw was Nico Di Angelo and Perseus Jackson stab both of his eyes.

Okay this was the last chapter! I feel all sad, happy and other mixed emotions because this has ended. Now based on your comments, I'll publish, or not publish a epilogue. And I want to say, thank you guys for all those who stayed with me from the very beginning to now. Thanks to my voters from this, my commenters, my followers and thanks, a big thanks to all of my readers. Oh and since this is over, starting next week, I'll be publishing a leoico AND another percico. Starting next week though on Sunday night (this weekend) so look forward to that. THATS ALL MY WILD ONES AND HOPE TO SEE YOU GUYS IN MY OTHER STORIES! :3

-wild thing

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