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Loosely based off of the song "S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W" by My Chemical Romance.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

                The door sounded. It wasn’t a casual knock; it was a knock of authority. It was the kind of knock that only came from one place, BETTER LIVING INDUSTRIES.

                Better Living Industries, also known as BL/ind. or BLI, was a Japanese company dead set on making the world “perfect.” Only a few men in the world would destroy something perfect just to make it beautiful. Unfortunately for his family, BL/ind., and himself, Gerard Way was one of those few.

                He had always been an anti-BLI activist. There was no way he couldn’t have been. He saw the world lose its color, and he wanted to stop whatever color was left from being taken. He used to be a musician and artist before BLI came. Now the only color left was in his personality and, sadly, no longer in his wardrobe.

                That wasn’t the only reason, however, that Gerard had wanted to end the era of “Better Living.” All he wanted was a bright future for his daughter, Bandit. When she was a child, she would watch him create beautiful things, full of color and life. Because of this, both of their personalities dripped with colorful creativity, spurting music and art from their very souls. The company did not like this. That’s when the pills began.

                BLI had started giving school students, such as Bandit, an assortment of pills at every meal. This was meant to “bleach” the students’ personalities, getting rid of all uniqueness and creativity. Bandit soon was put into home school, and the Ways were now on the run. After all, it was illegal to not go to school.

                About a year after the school “incident,” Airi Isodo, a native Japanese woman, was somehow voted governor of California. She also was the head of Better Living Industries. After a whole six months of her being governor, California was no longer a state of the United States of America. Soon afterward, it became illegal to leave California if you were a registered citizen. Even sooner than that, it became illegal to be an anti-BLI activist.

                Even after the law was passed, and being an activist became considered treason, Gerard Way continued. Seeing as how the family was already in hiding, there was really no point in stopping. He never saw how it could truly affect his family. He never even really saw how it could affect BLI. To him, it was just hope.

                I should have known better, were his thoughts as BL/ind. knocked on his door. I was in hiding. I shouldn’t have told anyone I was here. The now discovered man yelled at his wife and child to run, but it was already too late. By the time they even reached the stairs, the door came down. The family was paralyzed in terror; their whole world crashing down on them. Giant men with Exterminator masks came in, followed by two men with Draculoid masks. Behind all of them was a bald man in a grey suit that was layered with a white, frilly trim.

                “Well, well, well,” the bald man began, “it seems I’ve stumbled in the house of our dear old friend, Mr. Way. Tell me, Gerard, did you miss me?” He snapped his fingers. On cue, the Exterminators grabbed the poor family.

                Gerard, now forced on his knees with a gun to his head, faced the man. “Why are you doing this? We were leaving you alone.”

S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W (Party Poison/Gerard Way oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now