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|01| just the beginning of it all.

As i walked up to the podium for my college speech, my nerves set in. "what am i doing," i thought to myself. I pulled out my cards and began reading.

"It has been the biggest honor in this world to do this speech. I was selected from the Environmental science program at Duke to speak on this subject. As we live through this world, we have to remember what everything we have comes from. Our world supplies the ability for us to inhabit everything here. from the trees, to the sun and from the soil to the clouds. Our earth has given us everything, yet we always treat it like it doesn't mean anything to us. As humans, we are bound to mess up. But since i have majored in this field, i have a few goals and tips for us all."

I flipped cards, almost sweating in every single place of my body. We had to do the ceremony outside due to COVID and it was extremely hot.

"We can all work to make the world a better place. I will be traveling the world and spreading this same message i am telling you. I plan to spread the message of world pollution and contamination. it is my ultimate goal to help our Earth grow healthy again. For y'all, simply cutting the strings of you're masks, recycling, reducing plastic waste, and using less toxic gas materials can help the planet and its living beings inhabiting it."

"thank you. my name is Paisley Raine, and i cannot wait to save this Earth, one step after another."

I stepped off the stage, shaking from nerves after receiving a standing ovation of masked graduates. We all threw our caps into the air and went to see our family, watching on the radio broadcast from their cars.

I got back home to my packed up bags and stripped bed. I was already scheduled to fly to Brighton tomorrow for a conference the day after i arrive. I graduated top of my class at Duke University. I became really good friends with a lot of students there in the 6 years i was there. Although we never actually interacted with others in different programs, i became a part of a study group of people from almost 5 different programs. although we didn't work together on things, it was nice to have company. I didn't really talk to all of them. there was only one i got close with.

My roommate Madison, who was in the Business Program and graduated top of her class as well. She was staying to work with a production company and help with promotion and the work side of things. i think it's called "outer banks". I was happy for her, but sad as well. She had originally intended to take a year off and travel with me, but she got offered the job and couldn't miss the opportunity.

|The next day|

I walked into the airport, checked my bag, and headed to my terminal. I was scared to say the least. The thought of traveling alone scared me.

"Flight 741 is ready to board," broadcasted over the airport.

"Shit that's mine," i said as i finished paying for a water refill.

I scanned my passport and got my stamp and i was on my way to board.

"Here goes nothing, the start of my life is now. crazy."

I got a text from Madison.

i'm gonna miss you pais:,(

ill miss you more maddie:(
i love you so much.

not as much as me
have fun in Brighton!

i will:D
have fun with the big shot businesses babe:)

i will:P
bye bubs


worst goodbye to say, ever. i never want to leave her, ever. this is going to be the hardest abroad trip ever. Madison's boyfriend proposed last week, which means i'd get to see her again in about 6-8 months, so it's all okay.

I turned my phone onto airplane mode and headed on my 8-12 hour flight.

"Plane 741 has officially landed. welcome to Brighton," i heard as the pilot blared over the speakers.

I grabbed my carry on bag and my seat bag and headed to baggage claim. I grabbed my purple suitcase and headed out to my car for the year. A 2019 ford escape. It was a deep grey color. "This will do," i said.

I got to my apartment and immediately fell asleep after putting down my bags, and woke up the next morning.

|day one|

first day in Brighton. I woke up and put on my outfit for ty e day.


liked by madisonwhells, dukeenviromental, and 10,027 otherspaisleyraine day one in Brighton, couldn't be more ready:)

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liked by madisonwhells, dukeenviromental, and 10,027 others
paisleyraine day one in Brighton, couldn't be more ready:)

madisonwhells i'm so proud:,)
paisleyraine: @madisonwhells thank you love<3

DukeEnvironmental so glad to have you on our team! let's kick Brighton's butt!
paisleyraine: @DukeEnvironmental yeah!

this is going to be one heck of a year. Brighton Convention Centre here i come.

brookes notes lolz
hey shawty baes

thanks for readin chapter one. paisleys character is HEAVELY inspired off of who i want to be when i'm older if i'm not a vet lolzzzz

anyways. you should vote and follow me for updates on the #1 book of wattpad

i love you, drink some water!! eat some food!!! you deserve it queen/king/royal highness. have the best day.

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