Chapter 18: Mischief and Mayhem (BEING REWRITTEN!!!)

Start from the beginning


(Would suggest listening to The Elven Treasure by Peter Grundy)

All the young Nestoris trekked down the path splashing through the puddles of water that were scattered over the gravel beach. Instead of doing their normal daily chores, all ardoni of the Nestoris Clan were tasked to help clean up the camp and village.

After countless storms for two whole weeks, all Nestoris had been relieved to finally see the sunrise over their home that morning. But with the sun also came the reveal of the damage that had been done to their home while they had been in shelter. Small fishing boats had been overturned, nets had been tangled, leaks and holes were in many of the huts, and countless supplies that had been gathered for winter preparation were now ruined and blown all over the place! Causing the Nestoris to start from where they had left off. Thankfully, they were barely nearing the beginning of fall, green leaves still showed on the trees. It would be a few more weeks before those leaves would begin to change color.

Achillean wondered what would have happened if the storms had been any worse. Could the damage have been more severe? But then he remembered the Nestoris of the past generations who had seen and survived storms worse than these. Typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis. All could be dangerous, but nothing could break the strength of the Clan when they all came together. In fact, not only was Achillean happy to be part of the Nestoris Clan, but he was also proud to be an ardoni altogether.

All the Ardoni Clans were different and lived in each of their respective Provinces, but they all held their similarities. The Sendaris Clan lived in Sendaria, a lush green land filled with streams and small currents and rivers. They were known to live in shallow hollows and caves under the Earth. The ardoni markings of the Sendaris Clan bore the color blue that reflected their calming personalities as well as the water that surrounded their home. Then there was the Kaltaris Clan who lived in the stony mountains of Kaltaria. Jagged rocky hills and deep caves where the wind howled and groaned, and where northern lights were known to stretch across the skies. The Kaltaris were a proud Clan, known to have many warriors and champions who had competed in the tournaments. They were known for their strength and stubborn well-being. Their markings glowed a powerful green. Then there was the Mendoris Clan who lived on the coast to the west of Ardonia. Living in forests that were filled with vegetation and purple-flowered fields. Their Clan proudly carried the colored markings of pink, magenta, and purple.

But Achillean knew he would never trade his beloved Clan for another. He had been born in Nestoria and had been raised most of his life here. The Nestoris were kind and wise, and the ocean was what he loved most about his home. How it could be calm one day, only to turn into a mighty force the next! Life had seemed so simple then... The many hours he used to spend with them... scouring the beaches in hopes of finding shells and sand dollars to decorate their home with... Hoping to make them smile...

Achillean pushed the thoughts away. There were many things about the Nestoris that he would always treasure and hold dear. He was happy and proud that he bore the yellow markings of the Nestoris Clan. The color symbolizing the morning sun that rose in the sky each day.

But even then... Achillean sometimes wondered about the Clan that was never spoken of. Like a name that brought bad luck or bad memories. The only time he ever heard the name of the forgotten Clan was in horrendous battles of dangerous dark sorcery, and hateful murderers who showed no mercy, who let the blood of their enemies stain their weapons proudly... nothing like the stories Ingressus told his friend of his Clan...

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