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Hundreds of bombs drop outside as homes are destroyed and lives are lost. Edmund Pevensie and Zoe Bradbury watch from the window of the Pevensie's home as their mothers run into the room.

"Edmund! Zoe! Get away from there!" Their mothers yell as they pull their children away from the window.

"Peter!" Edmund's mother calls for her oldest son while grabbing Edmund. "What do you think you're doing?" Peter quickly runs into the room. "Peter, quickly, the shelter. Now!"

"Come on!" Peter says as he grabs Edmund.

"Wait..." Edmund says as he fights against Peter.

"Come on, leave it!" Peter argues with him as Zoe runs to find the Pevensie sisters.

"Mommy!" The youngest, Lucy, calls from her bed.

"Lucy, come on! Come on, quickly!" Zoe says as she picks Lucy up before checking to make sure Susan is with them.

"Run! Run! Hurry!" Their mothers order as they lead the way to the shelter.

Zoe sets Lucy down as they reach the shelter before turning to make sure Peter had gotten Edmund out.

"Wait! Dad!" Edmund yells as he wrestles free from Peter's grip and runs back towards the house.

"Ed!" Zoe calls as she quickly grabs him, pulling him back towards the shelter. "Stay here. I got it." Zoe shoves Edmund towards his mother, glancing at her own before running back to the house.

"Zoe, no!" Her mother calls before Peter takes off after the girl, who has been a thorn in his side since the day Susan was born.

"I'll get her!" Peter calls back to the mothers as he runs after her.

"Peter, come back!" His mother yells but his main focus is the girl he can't help but to love to hate.

Edmund stands with Zoe's mother by the door waiting anxiously for the return of his brother and the girl that he considered a sister. Zoe had been next door neighbors with the Pevensies for as long as she could remember. She is younger than Peter but older than Susan.

Even as babies, Zoe and Peter were as close as ever until Susan was born. Zoe grew attached to baby Susan until she was old enough to play with her then they became the best of friends, leaving Peter hating Zoe which made Zoe hate him because of how cold he became towards her.

When Edmund was born, it was one of the greatest days of Zoe's life. She felt as if she had her own little brother that she could protect. Then came sweet little Lucy, the one that brought them all together even when they all hated each other. Zoe's and Peter's relationship steadily grew worse as Zoe always took Edmund's side.

"Z! Come here!" Peter yells as he chases her through the house. "Zoe! Get down!" Peter pulls Zoe down, covering her, as a bomb explodes outside his home causing the window to bust. Zoe turns to look at Peter in shock before realizing how close their faces are. Peter sucks in a breath as he realizes the same thing before he lashes out at her because he lets the thought of her being pretty cross his mind. "Come on, you idiot, run!" Zoe grabs a picture frame as Peter starts to pull her. "Get out!" Peter pushes Zoe in front of him as they run back to the shelter.

"Come on! Hurry!" Edmund calls as he sees them and a plane flies overhead. Peter pushes Edmund and Zoe into the bunker before closing the door.

"Why can't you think of anyone but yourself? You're so selfish! You could've got us killed!" Peter yells at Zoe and Edmund, who collapsed on one of the beds after Zoe handed him the picture.

"Stop it!" Zoe yells at Peter before pulling Edmund into her arms.

"Why can't either of you just do as you're told?" Peter asks them while glaring at Zoe, who glares back before she turns her attention back to Edmund.

For NarniaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora