7 K....WOW.

96 8 4

OMG!!!! Has this book really reached over 7...SEVEN thousand reads...i'm shocked to wake up to this today...Thank you, thank you, thank you all from the bottom of my heart....This has made my day.

I've been thinking about doing a one-shot as kind of a final journey for the guys...them as ghosts watching over thier family after they passed and poosibly meeting Taechi when she passes or the other guys when they do, and easing them into the afterlife until they all are there....what do you think....Yay or nay??

Once again I can't get over just how much people have taken this story...(my first Taekook book) into their hearts and read with me as I wrote it, suffered with me through the difficult chapters and cried with me at the losses...

I tried to place hard subjects in my book to make the characters stronger, and show that even though you may be going through hard situations, you can always come out at the other end, smiling at least...

I really hope I portrayed this in this book...My whole theme was love and compassion and talking about things that are bothering you...and also accepting yourself...that is very important to me...loving yourself...our boys taught me that...

So once again thank you all...each and every one of you...my lovely purples...who read my book. Whether you loved it, liked it or even hated it, thank you so very much for taking your time to read this story.

Please also check out my other books...they all have different styles to them, and they are mostly Taekook/TaeGguk.

I also have two songs I've written called 'My boy' and 'Pain' I enjoyed coming up with the lyrics for those (even though they aren't THAT good :) )

Anyway...I love you all, and once again THANK YOU XXXXXXXXX


Claire xxx

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