I cant tell you 'McLennon'

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"Paul, I don't know what to say." John mumbled. Paul stopped his movements staring at John like he was dumb, Paul had a blank

expression on his pale feminine looking face. His hands in his jacket pockets, his face flushed and dark, the stain of tears could be shown on his cheeks. Paul laughed loudly throwing his hands in the air as he laughed. "Fucking great, I just embarrassed me-self in front of John fucking Lennon. I should've known you wouldn't fucking acknowledge what I was saying!!" Paul screamed, his voice falling into silence as he cried quietly into his trembling hands. 
John got up, walking over to Paul and wrapping his arms around his waist. He enjoyed the feeling, embracing Paul into his arms as Paul trembled and cried out his sorrows. "Paul, if I'm honest. I like you also." John whispered into Paul's ear. 
John felt Paul tense, his body pushing off of John's quickly to turn and face the older man in front of him. "You're bullshitting me Lennon." Paul growled glaring at John, John shook his head, his auburn hair now sticking to his forehead as he started to get nervous of Paul. "No, Paul I'm seriously. Yes, I'm married to Cynthia. I have a child. But, ever since we started this band, or should I say me-self did. I started to fall for you." John was being honest with Paul, he did start to fall in love with McCartney ever since their band become a world wide sensation. They always spend time together, John just couldn't handle is emotions towards Paul, scared of what would happen if he told anyone. More so the consequences.

"Let me get this straight." Paul waved his hand in front of John backing up a little having more space now between them. "You, John fucking Lennon. Like me, like you think of me as more than just a band mate? Am I right ye?" Paul asked John as he stood swaying back and forth on his heels. John nodded, walking over to Paul grabbing his small, yet very soft hands into his own dry ones. Paul slightly smiled at the contact, looking into John's eyes.
"Paul, yes I do. I really do like you, can I show you how much I like you?" John's heart was beating faster now, scared if Paul will reject him or let him in.
Paul looked at him, then looked away. John could tell Paul was contemplating, the silence crept up on the two.
Paul chuckled, John raised his eyebrows confused on why Paul was chuckling. "Why you laughing?" John asked shoulders narrow, body tense. "Sorry, I just thought about what you just asked me. And yes, John you can show me." Paul smiled, John sighed mumbling a 'finally' as he pushed himself against Paul, capturing his thin lips onto Paul's semi plump lips. Paul moaned into the kiss, grabbing onto John's shoulders as he held John roughly. "Fuck Paul, I wanted this. so. much." John mumbled through their shared kisses. "Me too, John." Paul moaned making John already half hard. Just being with Paul, to finally kiss him, feel his lips on his, and oh god. His touch, can kill a man.
"John, please." Paul groaned as John pushed his one leg between Paul's legs, pushing up to rub against Paul's groin.
Paul moaned loudly, John took his hand putting it against pulls mouth shushing him. "We can't get caught Paul, you have to be quick for me." John whispered as he felt Paul rub against his leg in a slow rhythm. "I want you to fuck me John, I've been waiting for this." Paul looked up at John, his pupils dilated, blown wide, as lust filled his mind.
John smiled at Paul "let's move ye?" He asked Paul nodded pulling apart from each other, the cold wind making them both shiver slightly. John took Paul's hand, leading him the old scruff couch that sat in the middle of the dark room, they sat down. Their minds on each other as they both wanted to explore one another badly.
"Shall we?" John smirked making Paul giggle, his blush on his cheeks now a deeper red, "Yes let's." Paul chuckles, John was quick to move, pushing Paul hard against the couch, Paul's body pinned down underneath of John's.
Moaning, they both squirmed the feeling of two men made them feel not weird but more aroused. Mostly, because they are use to sleeping with birds then well, men.

Paul whimpered as John started kissing his neck, they both didn't know what they were doing. the feeling and knowledge of being with men never crossed their minds. John was still married to Cynthia. but Paul was single and desperate for Johns touch. Paul hade loved John ever since they became a band. Paul dreamed of John, he wished it wasn't Cynthia under his arm but himself. 

Paul, Paul, are you okay my love?" John asked as Paul stopped his movements and was staring at the ceiling of their lounge room. Paul dazed out of his thoughts staring deeply into johns eyes. as concern was crossed over them. "Yeah, i'm fine." Paul mumbled to himself as he moved away from John. confusing serviced within John as he wondered why Paul was moving away from him, Didn't he want to do this? or is he now regretting what he said? John wondered as Paul curled up on the couch opposite of where John was sitting. 

"Paul, what's wrong?" John scooted closer to Paul grabbing his small hand and squeezing  it tightly, Paul sighed looking at John, "I'm afraid John, we don't know what we're doing. we have never been with men before" Paul implied as he turned away from John looking at Ringo's drumsticks on the table. John frowned he knew Paul was right. He's never been with any men in his life. He doesn't know what he's doing at all. "Well maybe, we can look into it and when the time comes, we can fuck!" John said excitingly Paul rolled his eyes but nodded. "That sounds like a good idea my love." 

John hummed and gave Paul a kiss, as they pulled apart the door opened and a giggly George and Ringo walked into the room. "We brought you guy's some food, if you don't want it i'll gladly eat it" George smiled as he handed John and Paul some sandwiches. "Thanks George" John laughed as he handed some to Paul "What were you guys doing in here anyways?" Ringo asked pushing Paul closer to John making himself room on the couch. John and Paul looked at each other with wide eyes. "Just talking about life Ringo."   

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