💐Lazy Sunday

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I'm writing this in response to Danny's request for soft stories and my own need to be cuddled.


Soft rays of early morning sunlight slip through the cracks in the blinds casting the bedroom in a warm, dim light. Your eyes slowly blink open as your natural body clock wakes you for the day. You shift and twist to start you regular ritual of morning stretches when you notice the foreign warm, weight half on top of you.

You hold back your urge to giggle as you realize your boyfriend, Danny, had moved in his sleep, nestling himself tightly against your side, cheek pressed against the upper part of your breast. His rhythmic warm breaths puffed across your exposed skin as he slept peacefully. His left arm was draped across your waist holding you securely to him.

It was adorable, you couldn't deny it. You loved how cuddly your self professed "sadistic top" boyfriend was. You smile fondly as you comb your fingers through his soft, medium length white hair. You kiss the top of his head before reaching over to the nightstand to grab your phone off the charger.

Using your free hand you check you email and social media before making a to do list for the day, all the while still playing with Danny's hair. He shifts a couple times along with some soft sleep noises before he inevitably settles back against your chest in slumber.

You've been awake for almost two hours when your body demands you make your morning bathroom trip. You sigh in annoyance at nature ruining the quiet moment.

You kiss his hairline and start gently massaging his scalp.

"Danny," you say his name quietly, "honey, I need you to let go of me."

He groans in his sleep and you purse your lips as you stare up at the ceiling, fingers still absentmindedly massaging his head.

"Danny, sweetheart," you try again speaking a little louder, "You gotta let go, I need to pee."

The little twerp tightens his hold.

You exhale frustratedlely through your nose then take matters into your own hands. You pinch his arm, not enough to really hurt, just to jar him. The desired effect is achieved. His grasp is released immediately and he jolts away from you.

"What was that for?!" He demands as you jump out of bed and make a beeline for the bathroom.

Business handled, hands washed, face clean, and teeth brushed you step out of the bathroom feeling like a new woman. Your eyes land on the empty bed and widen in confusion, wondering where Danny had disappeared to.

You don't have to question long, because a second later you're getting picked up from behind. You squeal in surprise as your carried a few feet forward and unceremoniously dumped on the bed. Your front hits the mattress with a soft thump and a few seconds later his palm slaps your panty clad ass. You squeak in shock before you feel his weight settling on you again, pinning you to the sleep touseled sheets.

"That was mean," he says in a pouty tone that is very contradictory to his behavior.

"I'm sorry, I tried to be nice but you weren't waking up. I had to pee!" You defend, trying hard not to laugh.

"So mean," he whines and this time you do laugh softly.

"I really am sorry I woke you that way. I didn't hurt you, did I, sweetheart?" You ask.

He nuzzles into your neck, "Just my heart."

Aish, theater kids.

You turn your head so your face is toward his, "I am sorry, baby." You softly kiss the tip of his nose as your fingers push his touseled hair out of his face, "how about I make you waffles?"

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