Chapter V

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"Can you believe it?" Ashara's angry voice bounced out of her room and down the halls of Winterfell. "The audacity!"

"My dear, please calm down, there is nothing to angry about," Alys said calmly, watching her daughter fume in front of her mirror as her lady helped remove the dress she was in.

"CALM DOWN?! First Aegon Targaryen has the guts to pick up my harp and play it like he owned the thing and then he tells me to play and after that, he tells me that I need more practice! Well excuse me, o great king, I've been playing since I was five!" Ashara ranted and Lysandra giggled at the look on her older sister's face.

Ashara sucked in a breath and shut her eyes as she straightened. She tried to calm herself down for the sake of her mother, but it was getting harder to remain calm around Aegon. "He's just so...infuriating."

"We all have our obstacles that we must face and this one will be challenging, but I have no doubt you can pass this one easily," Alys said with a sigh, reclining in the chair that had been set out for her. "Anyways, we can start with baby steps. I've arranged for a hawking party to go out tomorrow."

Her daughter's eyes lit up excitedly. "Can I go, Mother?"

"Of course, that's the whole point of the outing. The king is going as well." Alys said nonchalantly as her daughter let the maid undo her hair.

"Father is going?" Ashara asked in confusion and Alys laughed. "No."

"Then - No! I refuse to let him-" She protested when she realized who was coming. "Ashara, just give it a chance." Her mother snapped, cutting her daughter off. "And anyway, he's obviously taken an interest in you. Why not use it to your advantage."

Lysandra clapped her hands together happily, her steel grey eyes bright. "You could be the Wolf Queen! Queen of the North!"

Ashara's eyes widened and she walked swiftly across the room and clamped a hand around her little sister's mouth. "Do not say such things here, Lysa. It isn't safe!" She hissed.

She was horrified that her mother hadn't even stopped her own daughter from saying such dangerous words out loud.

She waved a hand quickly, dismissing the maid, who scurried out of the room. Probably to gossip. Ashara thought bitterly as the door was shut closed.

"How long has this plotting been going on for?" She questioned, straightening, and letting go of her sister as a realization dawned on her. "Who's been in on this...this plan!" She demanded, turning on her mother as her voice rose with her anxiety. Could it be possible? Had her mother and father planned all of this? Her sister was already betrothed to another man and Lysandra was too young for any man to start taking an interest in her. Is that why her father had invited the Targaryens to Winterfell? A million questions ran around her head as her mother spoke.

"Ever since last night. Me, your father, and Brandon," said Alys, standing up. "Since last NIGHT!"

"Of course. I couldn't help noticing the fact that our new ruler hasn't been able to take his eyes off of you. What happened in the gardens?"

"Why does- How did you even know about that?" Ashara demanded as her mother walked over to her and looked her in the eye. She couldn't help but shrink away slightly as Alys's strange dark eyes drilled into her's.

"Everyone has ears. As Que-Lady of Winterfell, I'd be a fool not to have my own spies here. Do you think it's your father who tells me everything? He would rather keep it a secret so it wouldn't worry me. You'd best learn this, Ashara. If you are-"

Ashara covered her ears and shook her head violently. "Stop! Stop talking like that!"

"I'm only thinking for the welfare of the North, my family, and you, my darling," Alys said, gently prying her daughter's hands away from her ears and brushing some of Ashara's hair behind her ear.

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