Chapter 1

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✨🌸🤍This is gonna be a bit boring or maybe fun?! Read it to find out but warning it might not have as much detail because it's the start of the story 🤍🌸✨

🌸🤍Your POV🤍🌸:

You were walking along the side of the road back home as you saw a taxi stop right infront to you and you took it as your chance to get home faster
You: hey can you drive me home
???: yes sure
You did not know that it was the worst choice you had ever made
???: around where is it
You: (a random street)
???: we are quite far from there so this might take time
You: I'm aware thanks
You notice him pass your house
You: sir you just passed my house
???: I know
You: can you turn
He hits you with a bat that causes you to faint and your now knocked out while you were knocked out they drove you too a really big place but you haven't seen it before EVER in your life! You are still blacked out and you have no clue what's happening since all you can see is black


I get called by a few of my men to tell me they found a new girl even thought she was blacked out she looked incredibly pretty I had plans for her REALLY good plans for her but I wasn't gonna make a move yet
Guy 1: boss I found her on the street looking for a cab so I took her and brought her here
Me: ok
Guy 2: she's a pretty one that's why we took her
Me: I can see for myself LEAVE
They quickly scatter across and I take her to a room and sit there until she wakes up
Which takes her forever they must have hit her good but she has no bruises on her for some reason


I wake up in a room that looks really old and it's dark and gloomy I feel myself shake from the inside, as I start to move around I feel a pair of eyes on me I look to the side to see a man my first questions for him (in my head obvi) is "who the hell is he" "why are we in the same room" "have I met him b4" "where am i" "WHERE AM I" "WHERE THE HELL AM I"
I slowly sit up and back myself into the wall scared he does anything to me but instead he starts talking

???: Aren't you gonna talk
Me: sorry who are you
???: I'm Jaden the boss
Me: what's your job
Jaden: I'm a drug lord
I look at him weirdly
Jaden: who are you
Me: none of your business
Jaden: let's try a different approach what's your name sweetheart
Me: your annoying me leave me alone
Jaden: baby girl tell me what your name Is
Jaden looks at me furious and I stare at him he looks like he's about to hurt me
Jaden: I'm not asking I'm demanding tell me your name
Me: it dosent concern you
He grabs my arm and yanks me to a room full of horny girls playing with themselves
Jaden: if you don't watch that mouth your gonna be in this room
He throws you in the pile of the girls and they start coming around you and on top of you one of the girls sit on your face with their vagina on top of your head
Jaden: you like that
You shake your head no
Jaden: rub on her sweetheart
The girl starts rubbing on your face
Jaden: faster
She goes faster
Jaden: as fast as you can
She goes at a very high speed
Jaden: make her lick
You mumble: STOP
Jaden chuckles
She slaps your face
Jaden: don't you dare do that again
The girl nods and gets off you
You try and sit up but the rest of them push you back down
Girl 1: Maria would like this girl
Girl 2: let's bring Maria
Girl 3: MARIA
A girl comes out of the bathroom
???: a new one I'm Maria
Me: hi 
Maria tales of her cloth and sits on you
Maria: fast or slow
Me: not at all
Jaden: I didn't ask for you to be involved
He pushes her off you and picks you up taking you back to the room
Me: why did you do that
Jaden: I wanted you to know where you would be if I had no interest in you now tell me your name
Me: Jayla
Jaden: pretty name
He leans over to you
Jaden: pretty girl
He goes back to his normal position again
Jaden: how old are you
Me: 17
Jadens eyes widen 
Jaden: 17
Me: yes
Jaden: I'm 22 
You get shocked
Jaden: your staying with me everywhere your going is with me
He signals you to stand up and follow behind him which you do
Jaden: I have a meeting your coming with me
You nod
You guys go to the meeting and jaden makes you sit next to him and puts his hand on your right and a arm around you
???: hi I'm Bryce
He looks at you and you start looking around the room at the decorations
???: I'm addison
Me: I'm Jayla nice to meet you
Jaden: have some respect
Me: take your own advice
You and Addison quickly hug
Bryce: jeez Jaden
Me: hi I'm Jayla nice to meet you Bryce
He goes in to hug you but you back away and shake hands with him
Me: I take it you and Addison are dating and I don't wanna get in the middle of that sorry
Jaden: there's the respect
Me: shut up
He grips on your thigh
Addison: can me and Jayla talk outside
They nod and you both go outside and talk for at least 2 mins (but) as someone passes by the room and is about to enter he looks you up and down
???: Sam
You: Jayla
He hugs you
Sam: I could do so many things to you in bed I'm way better then Jaden
You chuckles
Me: i just came today
You pop your head in the door
Me: Jaden some guy called Sam said he's better then you in bed 
Jaden pulls you close to him as Sam walks in Addison walks to Bryce
Jaden: Sam give us our stuff
Sam: is that the girl your giving me
He points at you
Jaden: no 
He groans
Jaden: you can choose from the girls we have but where are the drugs
You narrow your eyes
Sam pulls out a bag and shoved it over the table to Jaden
Jaden checks it
Jaden: follow me
He pulls you to his chest and as Sam stands up
Jaden shoots him
You feel Like your about to laugh
Jaden: sorry you had to see that
He grabs your face and you burst out laughing he gets really confused
Jaden: did someone make you laugh
Me: he fell so dramatically
Addison giggles
Me: sorry
You put your head down but your secretly still laugh
Me: why did you shoot him though
Jaden: he said stuff about him being better then me in bed and I saw him look you up and down I didn't like it
You look at him and give him a "tf" look and nod
Me: so you not to sound nosey but do you trade girls for drugs
He nods
You back away from him a little
Jaden: I'm not trading you
Me: why
Jaden: do you want to be traded
You shrug your shoulders
Jaden: I suggest you start behaving Jayla
Me: I suggest you leave me alone Jaden
Jaden: no can do
Me: no can do
He glares at you

Drug Lord?!? ;Jaden hossler Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora