Your Savior has Arrived

Start from the beginning

    "Let's just say I'm different from the rest of Mr. Starks interns..."

    MJ gave him a puzzled look, "Okay... Next time, I want some real answers." She turned away from Ned and Peter to go find a seat on the bus.

    "This is so stupid," Peter said as he and Ned took a seat. "I literally just came from the tower and now we are going back."

    "Everyone would know you lived there. It's more believable if you take the bus ride with us," Ned responded.

    "I know you're right, I wouldn't have minded the extra hour of sleep thought."

    "Yeah... So who else is in the tower today?" Ned asked.

    "Well, my friend Camilla is the intern that works at the front desk, she's leading our tour day. Thor is still off with the Guardians, Shuri is helping Bruce with Vision's head thing I told you about, and I don't really know about the rest of them. They're probably on the upper floors so let's hope they don't come down to embarrass me."

    "Don't come down? I hope they do! This way Flash will have to believe you!"

    "Have to believe what?" said Flash from the back of the bus.

    Before Peter could stop him, Ned continued, "Believe he works at Avengers Towers and actually knows the Avengers."

    "Hahaha, now that's funny. Penis Parker couldn't make up a better lie if he tried!" Flash continued to laugh, earning a couple of chuckles from the teammates around him.

    Peter slumped back into his chair, crossing his arms. The last thing he needed today was more attention drawn to him. He needed to go on the tour, not get noticed, and leave before anything else could go wrong.

    Before they realized it, they arrived at Avengers Tower. All the kids filed off the bus and into the main lobby, staring in amazement at how grand it truly was. The walls were all covered in glass, and white chairs that looked as pristine as the day they were bought sat in the waiting area.

    Peter watched as everyone kept turning around, taking everything in before landing his sight on Ned. He stood there, unamused having been to the tower almost daily. Peter rolled his eyes as a voice approached the group.

    "Hello, you must be the Midtown High Academic Decathlon Team."

    He turned around afraid to see who he knew would be standing there. Camilla stood in front of their group, holding a bag of badges with a big smile. She spotted Peter almost immediately, raising her eyebrows as a silent 'hello.'

    She lifted the bag and said. "Here I have your visitor passes for the day, level one. After lunch, you will get the opportunity to explore on your own, these will let you roam the first few floors."

    Walking forward, the class made their way over to her, excitedly taking their passes. Peter waited for the group to be done, not needing a pass himself. Ned walked back over to him, excited he was getting a badge of his own now.

    "Hey, why didn't Penis Parker get a pass? Is he not allowed to come on the tour?" Flash mocked with a fake sad expression.

    "Peter," Camilla corrected him. "Has its own badge."

    He furrowed his brows, turning back to see Peter sheepishly pulling his own badge from his back pocket. Peter wished that he would just keep to himself for once. It would make trying to hide his identity so much easier.

    As he held the badge in his hand, Flash became agitated, turning back to swipe his badge through the machine to be let through. Over the loud comms, FRIDAY, the AI system for Avengers Tower, announced his presence.

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