Chapter Ⅶ: light

Start from the beginning

Sometimes it was too much for The Voltaris to handle, but he wouldn't let Achillean win here.

He ignited the flame enchantment on his sword, crashing it into the Nestoris's side.

Achillean let out a cry of agony, using the end of his staff to push Ingressus away.

The Voltaris smirked upon seeing the fresh burn mark on the Nestoris' side

His skin had turned slightly red, his skin had cracked around the area

His adversary's eyes were bright with pain and hurt.

Some of it came from the wound the Voltaris had just inflected some of it came from the past when the only time they would fight was when they were sparring,

Ingressus lunged at Achillean but was thrown aside by Achillean's Agrrobeam song of course He didn't use it forcefully enough to harm Ingressus.

The two fought like this back and forth for a while Ingressus had figured the fight would not have taken this long.

taking his chance, Ingressus slashed his sword across Achillean's side- it wasn't enough to kill him.


Achillean stumbled to the ground, his blood dripping on the ground below his side screamed in agony from the burn Ingressus had given him to the gash in his side Achillean felt like dying.

He felt a liquid run down his face- was he crying?

Pushing himself back to his feet, The Nestoris Ardoni stumbled towards Ingressus

His voice wavering, he fell back to his knees

"I- if " he wheezed "if you're going to-to kill me, ge-get it ove-r with," Achillean lowered his head in defeat his sides heaved with effort.

the only response he got from Ingressus was a dark chuckle.

Fear as to what the Voltaris might do entered his mind; Ingressus kicked his side, sending him sprawling across the patchy, snow-covered ground.

He coughed up blood as he waited to join the Stars.

But that wasn't their will for the Nestoris,

As his vision darkened, he could hear voices and the sound of several people running through the snow.

"It's The Deathsinger!"

"Back off, murderer!"



"That's right, you better run!"

Achillean felt relief flood his chest he would not die today.


Amaya opened her eyes from sleep she glanced around not seeing Achillean.

"He must have gotten up already,"

She walked out of the tent to see- it had been deserted? She checked each tent, seeing no one.

Her heart shattered- they had left them.

A small flicker of hope disagreed.

Maybe something had happened that they had to leave without her- that was a possibility.

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