Chapter Ⅴ: Gift

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"If I were to do that, I wouldn't be around you or the other Nestoris like, Nova, Imber, Or Solis,"

"So you enjoy spending time with all of us?"

"Of course, why did you think I didn't?" Ingressus asked, concerned.

"You've just been so distant lately.. and I,-"

"-Achillean the reason for that is because it's been two years since I've lived here," Ingressus paused adding. "don't take it personally, it's just hard,"

"That's alright Gress, I'll be here if you want to talk,"

"Thank you, Chil,"

"Of course I've got you brother!"

Ingressus slammed his fist down into the Neatherrack ground. anger and regret bubbled up in his chest.

"Those days are over and gone, I'm a different person," he paused, swallowing his fear.

"I've shown my true colors,"

He got back to his feet, walking back to his chambers.

He stared into a bowl of water, he could see his reflection clearly, his dark hair just barely reached his shoulders; small amounts of stubble had formed on his face, he was getting older. He didn't mind though it just made him feel that much scarier to outsiders.

We all have demons... and sometimes they win.


Amaya sat up from sleeping, brushing her messy hair out of her face. She tucked a small stand behind her ear feeling.. strangely at peace. The past couple of days she had been conflicted with her feelings. And how she felt about traveling with the group.

Her daughter Ember had already been awake when the adult Voltaris had awoken.

During this time she had noticed Ember had gotten less and less skittish.

Of course, her daughter was still skittish around Achillean.

Though she hoped with time that would go away.

She picked up her daughter walking out of the tent; the cool air sent shivers down her spine.

Ahead of her Achillean sat alone, his head was tilted upwards as if he was looking at the stars.

"You're up early" she commented, letting him know of her presence.

"I couldn't sleep," he responded. the Tidesinger's voice wavered like he was holding back a flood of emotions.


"Worse-" he choked out, Amaya noted the fact his hands were shaking moving to sit beside him and she settled down into the snow holding her daughter close.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I don't want to burden you with my problems-"

"Achillean, it's no problem-you might feel better" Amaya squeezed the Nestoris' shoulder comfortingly,

He shook his head, swallowing his rising cry. "Im fine," Achilllean responded

Though it sounded like he was trying to convince himself and not Amaya.

"If you say so-"

"Achillean they have found us- we have little time!" the Sendaris came running back

Amaya froze "wha-"

"-Amaya I need you to go hide please!" Achillean's voice was filled with fear and panic

Will of the Stars -SoW fanfiction-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu