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Name: Haven Lewis

Age: 7

Gender: male

Pronouns: He/him

Looks: Brown curly hair natural one orange streak in hair, oversized blue hoodie, One black eye and one gray eye, Holds Yellow blanket

Status: alive, youngest Lewis

Personality: Kind, caring, scared easily, smart, clingy

Sexuality: He just a child

Nicknames: Havey,Havy,Aven,Veny

Friends: Family and a stray cat he named axel.

Family: Alice(25),Scott(26),Cassie(19),Jayson (17),Caleb(15).

Name: Jayson Lewis


Gender: Male

Pronouns: They/He

Looks: Black hair, blue eyes, green crop top with white undershirt ,Brown shorts

status: Alive, but has a disease that has no cure but has medicine to help it does not kill

Personality: Sweet , good listener, weak, sick, anxious

Sexuality: pansexual 

Nicknames: Jay, Gayson, Blue jay

friends: family, Asher, Caleb and Axel(the stray cat)

Family: Scott, Alice, Haven, Sky, max.

Name: Cassie Lewis


Gender: Agender 

Pronouns: All but mostly they/them

Looks: Dark red medium hair with natural black streaks, Black long sleeved sweater, Dark grey pants

Status: Alive

personality: likes scary things, kind, likes reading ,sings really good, protective

Sexuality: Asexual

Nicknames: Cass, class Cass, Catty, quiet cassie

Friends: Caleb, Axel(the stray) and family

Family: The lewis'

Name: Caleb Lewis


Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/him

Looks: Orange hair curly (Red head), Yellow eyes, Grey shirt and black shorts

Status: Alive

Personality: Kind, nerdy, likes to read, plays piano, loves music, quiet

Sexuality: Gay

Nicknames: Cal,Cale,ale,leb,Aleb

Friends: Cassie, and family


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