birthday surprise | john b x reader

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?"

You grabbed his hands and started pulling him up, happy that he decided to help you instead of being difficult. You smiled up at him once he was on his feet, wrapping your arms around his waist and preening under his soft gaze.

"My dad's making you a birthday brunch, and even managed to rope in my brothers to help." You reached down to pat his butt and said, "Get your ass dressed so we can eat some food!"

He pressed a kiss to your forehead and moved back to get to his dresser. You sat on his bed, doing your best to somewhat make it while not having to get up.

"What about the others?"

"JJ's got work until six, Kie is under lockdown until tonight when she can sneak out, and Heyward has Pope delivering shit all over the island. We'll hopefully meet up tonight, but the boys will be exhausted so who knows."

You bit your lip to hide a smile when you saw John B grumpily pull a shirt over his head.

"But it's my birthday."

You walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist to press a kiss against his clothed back.

"I know, JB, and they would all be here if they could, but JJ could lose his job if he missed, and Kie's parents would probably kill us if she tried to leave right now, and you know how Pope gets when he disappoints his dad."

John B sighed, but you saw him nod. He understood what you were saying. At least you could be here, and damn did your dad know how to cook.

Your parents ran a restaurant that was especially popular with the Kooks for their weekend brunches, and although your mother had been raised in the Figure Eight as a Kook, she didn't marry rich. Your dad had a humble upbringing down on the Florida Gulf Coast, but had moved here once he was married to your mom. Your mother, and surprisingly your grandparents, had long ago given up the whole Kook vs Pogue mentality, and your whole family loved the boys. There had even been a few times when JJ had gone to sleep at your grandparents' place instead of the Chateau; the allure of a soft bed, warm shower, and home-cooked meal was too strong for him to resist.

Your two older brothers had both graduated and were off in college doing their own thing--the oldest studying hard and the middle enjoying the party scene--but y'all were still close, and when they were in town they both on occasion would take the time to surf or fish with the Pogues. Your family had all but adopted your friends, and it showed in the effort they put into celebrating each of their birthdays.

"What's on the menu?" John B asked as he let you lead him out of the house by his hand. "Is Papa y/l/n making those bomb ass waffles and pancakes he made for Pope's birthday?"

"Would you just be patient and wait until we get there?"

"You have no idea do you."


John B laughed and squeezed your hand. As you two passed by the Volkswagen, you whistled, signalling for your other friends to sneak into the house and get started on their mission. You quickly dragged John B down for a kiss when you thought you hard the van door slide open and grass rustle as your friends ran for the house. You knew from experience that your boyfriend had a habit of drowning out the world around him when you kissed. He tried to follow when you pulled back, causing you to laugh and push him towards the driver's side of the van.

"I don't think it's fair that you keep teasing me on my birthday," he grumbled after starting up the van. "You should be nicer to me."

"I'm sorry, baby," you cooed. "I promise that I'll stop teasing you. I just don't want to be late for brunch, and have my brothers tease you on your birthday more than I'm teasing you right now."

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