13 - Peaceful Potions

Start from the beginning

"Yeah that was...unpleasant." He shuddered, covering his red face with his hands. He had gotten 50 points taken from Hufflepuff and detention for his carelessness. He tried to insist that I switch partners, but I told him many times I didn't need a new partner over a little slip up.

"Excellent, Miss Hadleigh and Mr. Diggory." Snape nodded when he peered into our cauldron, scribbling down something in his notebook before continuing on. "You are dismissed."

Cedric and I cleaned up our workbench and left the classroom to head towards the library. The time would be fast approaching for our O.W.L. exams, so we spent quite a lot of time in the library lately. I hadn't quite figured out where I want to go after school and the idea of an exam that influences that makes me even more nervous.

We stayed silent for a moment, Cedric working on an essay for Transfigurations while I attempted to memorize my History of Magic textbook. Honestly most classes came pretty naturally to me, but this one has been a horrid struggle.

"D'ya think we'd get away with you taking my Muggle Studies exam for me." He groaned, flipping through the pages of the book.

"Someone raised in the muggle world taking a Muggle Studies exam feels like cheating on it's own." I giggled.

Cedric opened his mouth to speak again but the smile dropped from his face as his eyes followed something over my head.

"Hi, Leah."

I turned to see Adrian standing just behind me, a few books in his hands. "Pucey." I nodded. I could feel my face begin to flush from a combination of nerves and the unexpected encounter.

"I was just grabbing some books from the library. No Muggle ones like you like though." He laughed, his eyes continued to flick back and forth between me and Cedric. He was clearly uncomfortable by his presence but I couldn't be more grateful for the Hufflepuff at this moment.

"Sorry I haven't had time for any reading aside from my textbooks." I dismissed him, turning my attention back to the open book in front of me.

"Well, alright. See you around." Adrian hesitated for a second before thankfully walking away.

I let out a very loud sigh of relief, running my hands over my face. I foolishly thought that I was in the clear after him avoiding me for the last few months. I hope the cold shoulder I've been giving him finalizes it.

"Well...that was weird." Cedric laughed awkwardly from across the table. For a second I forgot he was sitting in front of me.

"Yeah." I exhaled once again.

"What's wrong?" He closed the textbook he had been studying so his full attention would be on me.

I nervously ran my fingers through a strand of my hair. I know Cedric is too good of a friend to share a secret that isn't his. "Promise not to tell anyone? Not your buddies, not Fred, and especially not George." I pointed a threatening finger towards him until he nodded, motioning for me to get on with it. "He's been a bit creepy. He sort of tried to...kiss me."

Cedric's eyes widened in shock but he quickly recovered. "Did...did you want to kiss him?" His voice was quiet and an unreadable emotion on his face.

"Godric, no." I grimaced at even the thought of his lips on mine. "But he seemed pretty adamant on it happening, you know, despite me clearly trying to avoid it."

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