Chapter 39

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Sadly, I must say, this book is close to its end. It does have a decent amount of chapter before that, but you get the point. I hope you all enjoy!

Davina's POV

Its been a week since the dinner disaster. Me and Camo were supposed to go home sunday, but because Klaus flew us in, we didn't make any flight arrangements, nor do we have a lot of money. And we aren't asking the Mikaelson for a cent! It was currently 7 in the morning. I was laying in bed, staring at the ceiling while Camo was asleep. I keep getting flashbacks to the dinner. The fight me and Kol had, its starting to make me sick to my stomach. I feel a hot liquid start to come up my throat, making me run to the bathroom and puke into the toilet. All the stress and guilt isn't good for me at all. Its never been good for me. Since I was a kid. Camo comes in and holds my hair back.

"You alright?" She asks me, and I take some tissue, wiping my mouth. I shake my head, "No. But it'll get better soon." I say, and she giggles. "Tell me you aren't pregnant! Cause that would suck on my end." She says, and I giggle. "Cami, I'm not pregnant. The only person I've slept with is.... Well, you know who. And he can't reproduce so no. I'm not pregnant." I say and she nods. "Just checking. So, are we going home today? Or are we staying another night so you can debate whether or not to go see them?" I ask Cami, standing up and walking to the bed that she sits in as well. "I have come to a conclusion." She says, and I look at her, sipping some water. "And what is that?" I ask her.

"I have concluded that we left are stuff there. And before we leave, which we are, I need my $200 boots." She says, and I nod. "Ok then. Lets pack this up, head over there, and rob a bank." I smile, and she frowns. "Wait, why are we robbing banks now?" She asks me, "Well we're broke Cami. We used all are money on this place and food. Not to mention taxi drivers." I tell her making her sigh. "How much do we have left?" She asks me. "Maybe $120? Maybe a bit more, or a bit less." I sigh, laying down. "Lets just, worry about one thing at a time. Please." Cami says, and I nod. "Sure. Cause that's worked perfectly so far." I respond, and she comes over to me and is it's down with me. "You know we haven't talked about, what happened at the dinner." Cami says, "Because there's nothing to talk about. A lot happened that night." I simply say, "Yeah, but there is stuff to talk about. And you know we don't keep secrets." She says, and I ignore her. 

"If I tell you, will you tell me?" She asks me again, and I look at her, "Maybe." I say, and she sighs, sitting up. "Rebekah was having some issues, of her own, with Marcel. And, at the time, I thought she might want someone to talk to, but I think I over stepped it a bit." She admits, and I sit up. "So that's why you two were fighting?" I ask her, and she nods. "Your turn." She says, and I sigh. "When, Kol had taken me upstairs, I had a bath. I sobered up a bit, and in doing so, one thing led to another and we, slept together..." I say, "I'm sorry, you what?!" She almost yells, "I just, I was a bit tipsy, and-" "I told him not to take advantage of you and that's exactly what he does?! Are you ok? Is that why you two were arguing?!" She frantically says, and I take her hands, "No, no Cami slow down. That it not what happened, at all, I swear." I tell her, and she frowns. 

"So, what happened then?" She asks new and I look down, "Well, afterwards, during the dinner when you and Cami were fighting, I went to try and break it up, but Kol being the stubborn ass hat he is, held me back. Saying him and his brothers will help out. And so, me still being drunk and stupid, I may or may not have stabbed him with a piece of glass." I say, looking down. "And whoever said you needed protection." Cami giggles, and I playfully slap her, "It's not funny. I think I really hurt him... Mentally, and physically..." I say, and she stands up, getting her the bed. "He's an 1000 year old vampire. He'll get over it." She says, and I look at her. "What are you doing?" I ask her, "Uh, I'm getting ready. We need to get my boots." She says, and I giggle getting up and starting to get ready.

Kol's POV

"Honestly who does he think he is?! Thinking he can be a bloke to my little sister? And why won't Camille answer my calls-Kol! Are you listening to me?!" Klaus rants, as he has been for since Sunday. Davina and Cami stayed the night at a hotel somewhere, and we've all assumed they left, as they have no reason to stay. "Not really brother, no." I smile, "Your not at all guilty at what happened Saturday? Not even for ruining MY dinner?! Or maybe being a huge bloody idiot towards Davina?!" He almost screams, and I shoot my head towards him. "You don't even know what happened between me and Davina." I say, and he scoffs, "Are you serious? You spent have the night going around town looking for her. You blew up her phone, and not to mention, your shirt is still bleeding from when she stabbed you with a wine glass." He says, and I look everywhere but him. 

"It doesn't matter anymore. They're gone and there not coming back anytime soon." I say. And soon, we here footsteps enter the compound. Which is weird, because Elijah and Hayley went to a doctor today, Rebekah is with Freya and Marcel is at his loft. We share a look, and then vamp speed down stairs.

Cami's POV

"Maybe we should have knocked?" Davina asks, "Why? There's probably no one here. Hayley has a check up today, Freya is back in town- there's no way anyone is home. We'll be in and out." I respond, and she nods. But just as we enter, Klaus and Kol are soon in front of us. We both stop walking, and stop, as do they. Kol and Davina are staring right at one another, as me and Klaus do as well. "What were you saying about no one being home?"

Omg I can't even! I need to know, is this book still interesting? Or is it fading? Also, make sure you all let me know about the crossover subject, and what story you wanna see it on. I hope you all enjoyed and don't forget to comment and vote!

Unborn Love (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora