Chapter 1: Home,Flashbacks and the Surprise

Start from the beginning

A 9 year old Haru was walking in the hallway till he bump into a dirty blonde-light brown haired girl with a red headband together with a long black hair girl, till the black haired girl who's a bit shy asked.

???: Are you both okay?

Haru rubs his head until he replied.

Haru: I'm okay, I think, sorry for bumping you 

???: It's okay what's your name? 

Haru: you can call me Haru I'm at class 4-2.

Then Haru recognize the black haired girl as he saw her reciting her poem in front of many people earlier. 

Haru: Ah!, you're that girl at the stage earlier, that was a good poem hehe . 

But the girl got embarrassed as you said that as she tried to hid at the dirty blonde-light brown haired girl.  

Haru: huh? something wrong?

???: My name is Ritsu, and the shy girl is Mio, nice to meet you. 

Haru: hehe, Nice to meet you too Ritsu and Mio, I hope to become your friends. 

Ritsu: sure, why not, wanna tag along? 

Haru: Is it okay? 

Ritsu: sure, what do you say Mio? 

Mio: uhmm.. su..suree 

Ritsu: right, lets go 

Haru: hmm *nods* 


Haru: (I wonder if I ever meet them again.) 

You thoughts was cut off by a call from your sister as she calls you.

Shane: hurry up Haru!, or the food will become cold.

Haru: Coming sis!



After you and your sister had eaten you went in your bedroom and put down your bass in the bed, and you notice your Jimi Hendrix's 1968 guitar.

Haru: It's been a long time Jimi jr, ever since sister bring you back home way ahead before me.

Then you look at the window and remember that fateful event where your mom died in front of your eyes.


Mom: *weakly* Haru-kun I want you to be happy you are a strong child.

Haru: *crying* Mom what are you saying?

Mom: please.. *cough* smile.

Then she held your hand tightly and you notice her hand is cold and not warm.

Haru: Mo...Mom *tries to smile but failed* I ca...can...can't it's hard you know, especially seeing you like that!

Mom: I know you can do it, you are my beloved strong willed child who can do anything. *coughs*

Haru: Don't worry Mom Dad and Sis are coming.

Mom: *she looks up* Haru there's nothing we can do death is part of life, I won't make it, please accept this and move on it'll make you happy. 

She then gave you a necklace which had a picture, a family picture.

Haru: *sobs* (God please)

Mom: *looks at you and smile* Haru I know one day there will be the persons who'll make you happy..truly happy like your seniors here, and even your childhood friends........ promise me one thing.

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