Kira's POV
Kira walked to her table where she saw Kuro "Hey" she said to him, "Oh hey Kira" Kuro would smile at her as Kuro was sitting like L from deathnote he also had some sweets to help with his quirk "Got any leads?" Kira asked him as she had a worried look at him. Kuro looked at her as he would finish eating his candy "That I will tell you at a different place not now..." Kuro trailed off as he looked at her he noticed the worried look "Trust me we will complete the case" Kuro tried to reassure her "That will be great" Kira said as she would try to think of the positive aspect of things "So meet me at the place" Kuro slid a peace of folded paper to her "Meet me there at 8:30 pm make an excuse also bring the case file don't forget it" Kuro was explaining what was going to happen "Thank you and don't worry I'll bring it" Kira told him. Kuro was skeptical he did trust Kira but he has a feeling that she will forget about the case file.

After school

Katsuki's POV
Bakugo walked back into his dorm room he saw Kira trying to do her work for class "Hey.." he said while putting down his bag by his bed "Oh hey" Kira smiled at him. Katsuki didn't know what to do so he went on his bed and scrolled through his phone, Kira looked at the time still waiting to meet up with Kuro, Kira would soon finish her work and laid in her bed (they have separate beds) "So what do you want to do?" Katsuki asked "What do you mean?" Kira replied looking at him "What I mean is want to get some food?" Katsuki asked her "Oh yea that's fine where to?" She asked him. "Oh well a local coffee shop?" He asked her "OH! That's fine I love coffee shops" she jumped up grabbing her hoodie "Let's go" She said cheerfully as she would walk out of the dorm. Bakugo would run after her "Hey!" He yelled "Wait for me" Katsuki said to her "You have to catch up" Kira continued to run Katsuki would end up catching up to her "Thats nice that you caught up" Kira stopped to catch her breath. "So where is the coffee shop?" Kira asked him "Here I'll show you the way" Bakugo told her, Bakugo took her to a coffee shop they both went inside the coffee shop they went to look for a seat which Bakugo found "Hey let's sit here" Bakugo told her "oh nice" Kira smiled as she would sit down. Soon someone came to take their orders for drinks and asked them if they wanted some food "I'm fine with coffee" Kira simply said, "Coffee is fine with me" Katsuki said to the worker. Both Katsuki and Kira would talk the whole time and drank coffee while they talked soon they finished and paid both of them would walk back to the dorm where he would continue to talk to her. Kira cracked a few jokes here and there soon the time was near for Kira to go "Hey Bakugo I'm gonna go now" Kira told him "Hm where are you going?" He asked her "Oh I'm going to go study with some friends" She responded as she would chuckle nervously "Oh okay well see you" He said to her "See you" she smiled, Kira got some of her stuff and left the dorm

Kira's POV
Kira walked to a different place not Kuro's dorm room she had the address to it "95780 Rika Street" she mumbled as she would look around Kira looked around trying to find the place she went up to someone and asked where it was the person was nice and gave her directions to the place where she needed to go to. Kira walked and found the place, she knocked on the door "Hello..." Kira said to the door hoping someone was there Kuro opened the door "Hey Kira, come on in." Kuro welcomed her into the place "Before we discuss business want some cake and tea?" Kuro offered her "Yea tea is fine I don't think I want cake just yet" She replied to him "Alright one tea coming right up. Kuro would walk to get the tea Kira wanted "Your usual or something else?" He asked her "My usual" Kira smiled at him as she looked around the place it was filled with cases and ideas about this case Kuro and Kira were working on.

Katsuki's POV
Bakugo was in his dorm room he really enjoyed what he did with Kira he wished that they would do this more often. He was scrolling through his phone he was very bored then he realized about the case file so Bakugo looked at it. He walked up to the file and looked at it read the side "Missing persons case #1890" he read it he would open the file it was pictures of this women with white hair and red eyes. Katsuki would look at the photos then he found the person in a hero suit "Wait.... isn't this the 98th hero.... Tskuashi?" He wondered as he looked at the photos more it was pictures of a child version of Kira "Wait is this..." he trailed off "Kira's mom?" He asked himself as he looked more into the photos to see Kira and her parents "No way... Blood shot he's on the #86 spot" he said in awe "That's impossible" he would be in disbelief he looked around "Akari Ito Dakiamaru missing..." he read it. Katsuki couldn't believe Kira was related to them

Kira's POV
Kira would drink her tea while Kuro explained to her what was going to happen "I think it's related to my brother it is his clue that he is done this kidnapping but why?" He asked himself, "shoot I realized I left the case file in the dorm" Kira would be abit nervous "My god" Kuro said in a dissatisfied tone and he would put his hand on his face "Im going to get it" Kira reassured him "You sure I can go with you" Kuro told her. "I'm sure" Kira told him as she would grab her stuff to go outside Kira ran to her dorm soon enough someone jumped in front of her it was a guy in a suit black hair and blue eyes "Who the fuck are you?" Kira asked him "It's none of your concern miss Dakiamaru" The guy said, soon enough a gang showed up "How do you know my name?" She asked she was really nervous as she didn't know what was going on "Drop the case your doing now or it will end bad for you" He said. "No I'm not I am going to find out about my mother missing!" Kira yelled at the guy "Well then I was going to let you go but you have left me no choice" The guy said "Well attack her" The guy added "shit" she said as she would activate her quirk she would make a throwing knife, she jumped and threw the knives at some of the villains 'are they with the league of villains?' She thought to herself as she got a little distracted she felt a bullet graze her luckily it only hit part of her clothes and not her she saw that the guy was using his fingers as a gun 'I got to avoid him' she thought and she was thinking of a plan she would soon touch the ground. She would kick some of the villains she needed to conserve her quirk as it could be dangerous as she can loose blood she'd punch some villains then at somepoint she felt a bullet again this time it was shot at her shoulder "Ah fuck?!" she yelled in pain the girl activated her quirk trying to heal herself with her blood normally she didn't use it much since she wanted a fair fight but if it got risky she used it. Another villain went to attack her he used his fists but Kira tried to dodge it but she couldn't so she got punched 'damn this guy is strong' she would think as she tried to get up "Normally someone would give up but looks like your really going at this huh?" The guy in the suit asked, Kira smirked getting up to make her scythe out of her hardened blood another thug would go to fight her she tried to fend him off but soon the villain had the upper ground Kira ended up falling to the ground the res of the villains beat her up till she would slip in and out of consciousness. The guy in the black suit went up to her "Keep on investigating you might wind up dead" The guy said, "w-who are y-you?" Kira asked him "Oh me?" The guy replied back "I'm gonna be your worst nightmare and also tell Kuro I said hi" The guy in the suit added. Kira realized it was Kuro's brother "Well we must be going now see you soon" Yukki told her "Y-Yukki Takahashi..." Kira mumbled as after this happens the ambulance noise can be heard coming Kira heard running as soon as Kuro looked at her with a sad face and worried look as well "Kira are you alright?" Kuro asked her as he went to check a pulse "she's breathing" Kuro mumbled as an ambulance worker came up "Get out of the way kid" A worker remarked as some of the workers got a stretcher to put her in "You two look like you are first years" A worker said to Kuro "Which school?" The worker asked "UA high is where we go" Kuro replied "Alright thank you we will tell the teachers what had happened

Soon enough Aizawa got a call "What was that call Mr. Aizawa?" Izuku asked him "You'll soon hear about it Midoriya" Aizawa told him as he got up "Everyone I have some bad news that will be explained shortly" Aizawa told the students

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