A Few Repairs

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It had been a rough few months since you left Tatooine, pouring yourself into work helped keep your mind off the fate of your parents; and boy, did you have plenty of work to do.

It was loud in the Rebellion hangar as usual, between the comings-and-goings of fighters and suppliers, the whirring of your machinery repairing and improving ships had become a familiar rhythm to you.

"(y/n), we have a ship that needs priority repair", the platform director shouted.

You climb out of the build you've been working on, removing your mask so the director can hear your complaint loud and clear, "How high a priority can it possibly be? Because I'm very busy workin--". Your words caught in your throat when you saw who was accompanying the director, a friendly face you didn't think was still out there in the galaxy.


"(y/n)?! What're you doing here?!"

The two of you embraced, laughing at the fortune of the universe reuniting childhood friends.

"I could say the same to you! After what happened to your aunt and uncle, I guess I just assumed...", you trail off, the horror of that day clouding your thoughts, the image of your own parents building in your mind.

Luke's gaze trailed to his feet at the thought of his aunt and uncle, the violence that befell them he still blamed himself for.

"It--It's a long story, but I'm kind of a big deal around here, so it's actually commander Skywalker to you, grease monkey", Luke said, nudging you with his shoulder as he called you by your old nickname.

"That's actually Head Grease Monkey to you, commander", you shot back at Luke as he laughed.

"Well at least now I know for sure my ship is gonna be in good hands. Say, did your parents ever complete that hyper-drive upgrade they had been working on?"

Your stomach dropped at the memory of them and Luke. Every time he needed parts or repairs for equipment around the farm, he'd come into the shop your parents owned. Luke always stuck around, watching and helping them work; learning as best he could from them. They always said there was "something special" about that boy.

"(y/n)...did something happen?" Luke asked, picking up on your extended silence and the look that had come over your face.

"Y-yeah, it did. Same day as your aunt and uncle, actually", you recalled the events of that day. Hiding in the landing gear of one of the ships as you watched Stormtroopers fill the garage, arresting your mother and father, interrogating them about Rebellion movements. Your mother, spotting you from across the bay, locking eyes with you, urging you with a single look to run and never turn back.

As you told Luke everything, the hangar fell away from around the two of you.

"I'm so sorry (y/n), I had no idea. Y'know, there's hope that they're still out there...taken prisoner, maybe..."

"Yeah, I guess that's why I'm here with the Rebellion. Get answers, take down those Empire scum, maybe find them someday...".

You'd gotten some answers since joining up with the Rebel Alliance. It turned out your parents had been working undercover on Tatooine, repairing stray rebel ships, encoding them with important messages and information, occasionally creating the hidden compartment space here and there to smuggle weapons out to the Rebel bases. You'd always admired them, but knowing what you know now, you've never been more proud to be their daughter.

Wanting to catch up with you more, Luke asked if you'd join him and his friends for a meal later that evening. You've never been the social type, but this was Luke after all, and so you  accepted the invite. 

A Few Repairs (Han Solo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now